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Down the End of the Track
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Ricardo Swav Diaz. "Down the End of the Track: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp39769)". Feb 13, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  6 breaths inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Well it was the summer of 2004 and my Friend who we'll call D called me up and asked if I wanted to split the cost of some nitrous and it wus my first time doing it so I said yes. So he picked the chargers up from a food store and we went down to my basement, we then smoked around 6 bongs before my friend started filling the first balloon with 3 chargers so I could watch as I had never done this before so he told me to suck in and out on the balloon and he then proceded to do so but not before licking the cracker and getting his tongue stuck to it but anyway, after he let off the balloon he then let his head fall back on my couch. About a minute and a half later he leaned back up and began to fill me a balloon although it was only my first time I had done shrooms before so I had believed I was ready for 5 chargers in one balloon. The balloon was filled and I was ready to go. I sucked in and out around 8 or 9 times until I was out of breath. On about my 6th breath I was already feeling hit with it.

First I felt a sort of cerebral high which was hard to explain it wus a light headedness.That then quickly turned into my outer extremeties kind of buzzing I couldn't actually feel my skin to well but there was some feeling in my elbows. I was watching my T.V. so i could tell if what I was doing felt slower than real time and it infact did. As I leaned my head back it seamed like it took around 7 or 8 seconds for my head to hit the couch but while I watched the T.V. more than 3 seconds couldn't have passed because the toons on the T.V. played at a normal rate. But the sound on the T.V. seamed to fade. I think what may have caused me to feel like my head falling back took so long probably has something to do with how my extremeties were numbed. After about 1 minute I could feel the effects weaken for the first time but they were still strong and then within 20 more seconds I felt like I had come back to reality.

I hope this experience with nitrous oxide can help anyone who needs it

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39769
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2018Views: 1,214
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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