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The CIA Is in the Toilet
Citation:   PhetamineD. "The CIA Is in the Toilet: An Experience with MDMA (exp39888)". Jul 14, 2018.

1.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I've taken MDMA about once a month for the past year, so last night was routine. Take the pills, sit back and wait.
Brandon had gotten 4 doublestacked White Suns, I took 1 1/2(my normal dosage) and he took 2 1/2.

10 minutes later we were driving to his place when all of a sudden it hit me...a warm wave of tingling and slight nausea. He felt it too. I closed my eyes to try and convince the queasiness to go away, when I heard a splatter on the windshield. Brandon had, more like projectile vomiting. The second we got to his parking lot I ran upstairs and did the same. It was the most painful thing ever...I could feel the bottom of my stomach retching, the burning in my throat.

After that, I was fine for a while. More than fine. Blowing up. The highlight of rolling, the whole reason for the techno and glowsticks. But after 10 minutes it was too much..I never imagined there could be too much of something this good.
I lay there on the floor in the fetal position, grabbing the carpet between my fingers, saying 'I can't fucking believe this' repeatedly.

That's when things went all wrong.

I couldn't control my thoughts, emotions, or my body. I couldn't stop rocking back and forth. I tried to stop, to look at the floor and think 'I'm right here, calm down.' But with the music blasting and Brandon waving glowsticks in my face it was impossible. I ran to the bathroom.

Which is when the vomiting began. Horrible, painful vomiting..about once a minute for an hour. I threw up more last night than I have in the past 18 years combined.
Horrible, painful vomiting..about once a minute for an hour. I threw up more last night than I have in the past 18 years combined.
I sat, sipped the water bottle, and in less than 60 seconds it was coming up again, still cold.

At this point I couldn't think straight. The brightness of the bathroom was helping me out, but then a new problem emerged. The toilet. It was talking to me.

For the next hour I accused Brandon of being from the CIA, sent to spy on me. And how did I know this? Their covert communications base stationed in the toilet, transmitting messages directly to my brain via some computer chip. I tried to fax the CIA classified 'documents'(which turned out to be napkins) by sticking them under the couch cussions.

At some point I realized I was about to lose my mind, but it wouldn't stop. I would think 'This is me, I'm sitting on the couch, everything will be OK,...' and it would get cropped out by someone sending me a message in my head. I spent the next 2 hours trying to convince myself not to go crazy, hands and feet ice cold, and shaking uncontrollably. Sometime around 6 am I calmed down enough to lay back.

This may not sound that bad, but it was, I can't even express it. Fear locked onto my brain, my body couldn't stop shaking(even now it's still shaking). I thought I was going to lose my mind, suffocate, and freeze to death simultaneously.

This was enough for me to say enough. Never again am I touching pills.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39888
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2018Views: 1,390
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MDMA (3) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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