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Microwave/Water Boiler Preparation
Kratom ('Premium Powdered')
by MIM
Citation:   MIM. "Microwave/Water Boiler Preparation: An Experience with Kratom ('Premium Powdered') (exp39991)". Feb 16, 2005.

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6.0 g oral Kratom (tea)
First, I'd like to say that of the many substances I've tried, Kratom is one of my favorites, but given how many people seem to have had bad experiences, perhaps it is just an acquired/personal taste. First, I have to say that the one time I tried as much as half an ounce boiled for about an hour on the stove (with crushed vitamin C) I got sick and felt very little euphoria. I find the best dose is about two grams (one teaspoon) of Premium Powdered Kratom (powdered Rifat Strain) just left in water (though I like warm/hot water), or the following method (which is tailored to me living in a dorm in a residential college where I have to climb three flights of stairs to get to a kitchen):

Take 6 grams (about 3 teaspoons) crushed dried Kratom leaf and put it in a glass. With a water boiler boil about 125 mL of water; pour this into a relatively large glass (large enough to be double the volume of the Kratom and water). Put this in the microwave at 50% power, and let it boil for a short while (maybe a second or two of true boiling, make sure it doesn't spill out though). Take out of microwave and stir, let steep for anywhere from a minute to longer (the longer, the longer it'll take to boil over in the microwave, so the time kind of evens itself out) and repeat this for about 2 minutes of microwave timer worth. Strain and do two more extractions in the same manner, adding a little bit of vitamin C to each extraction. Combine the liquids and enjoy, should fill an average-sized coffee mug.

Also note, as far as 'legal internet highs' go, I've also tried blue lotus (blue lily of the nile) and salvia divinorum. I find Salvia is fun though a bit intense and not really euphoric, and blue lotus, even when taken with alcohol, is quite a bit more mild than Kratom.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39991
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2005Views: 36,629
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Kratom (203) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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