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Spectrum of Effects
Citation:   Elfstone. "Spectrum of Effects: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp4)". May 31, 2000.

37 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
I have had the opportunity to try 2C-T-7 on three separate occasions; in a group setting at 30mg, alone at 30mg, and with my wife, Evenstar, at 37mg (she took 20). Unlike some others, neither Evenstar nor I experienced any nausea from this material; and it should be noted that Evenstar has a tendency to become nauseous from MDMA. All three experiences were some of the most positive psychedelic experiences I have ever had.

The group setting was quite enjoyable, spending time with like-minded friends who were all quite excited by the prospect of exploring this new material together. The experience was quite empathogenic and heart warming all round.

The solo flight at 30mg was quite pleasant as well. Being something of a hard head, I had no visuals at 30mg, and found it to be a pleasant, heart opening and heart warming material. Some tiredness was noted the following day, but recovery was pretty uneventful.

Reading over the reports of intense visuals from other explorers, I decided to gradually inch the dose up to see if I could access that level with this material, as I am not especially prone to visuals. Since I had had no visuals at 30, I chose to weigh up 37mg; a conservative addition of the magic number 7. As the material began to ramp up, it became clear that the addition of the 7mg brought out quite another aspect of 2CT7; I was soon into some amazing visuals, images of interstellar sunrises, with sunlight gleaming around the edge of planetary bodies, which eventually converged on the emergence of a warm, intensely illuminating experience that was simultaneously a deep spiritual opening. This was definitely one of those elusive +4 experiences. Evenstar and I spent the day together pleasantly exploring the nature of this material and generally had a wonderful time together. We slept well that night and woke up the next morning feeling very good. Overall, this is now one of our favorite materials. But it seems that a word of caution is in order as some people are apparently quite sensitive to this material and perhaps not prepared to be launched into a powerful entheogenic experience. Be advised that this is one of the big ones!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2000Views: 6,756
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2C-T-7 (54) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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