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Pretty Chill/Relaxing
Citation:   DJ Devin. "Pretty Chill/Relaxing: An Experience with 2C-C (exp40144)". Apr 4, 2005.

35 mg oral 2C-C (pill / tablet)
I acquired a tablet of 2C-C for fifteen dollars. It was a fairly large, white pill, clearly labelled '2C-C'.

I hadn't eaten in about ten hours, so the effects came on in about twenty minutes to a half hour. The main impact was relaxation and a feeling of being 'chill'. The physical effects were pleasant tingling sensations and waves of warmth throughout my body. My coordination was slightly impaired, but I was still walking around with little difficulty. There were some visual effects - colors moved around a little bit - but they weren't especially striking.

The main impacts were emotional. I was grinning and giggling somewhat uncontrollably, not because of an enhanced sense of humor like with cannabis, but almost as an involuntary reaction. I took the drug in a very bad mood after some unpleasant events, and while the drug did not exactly make me forget them, it dulled my emotional reaction to them. My internal narrative went 'it's okay! You are still a worthwhile person, it's not a big deal' even though I was rationally aware of these experiences. Psychedelic trance music sounded great, but not because of any sensory enhancement like with cannabis; I was just relaxed and enjoying it.

The experience lasted about two to three hours, after which I went to sleep. The next morning, I felt slightly stupid, but otherwise unaffected, and my mood was somewhat brightened. Overall, this was not exactly a mind-blowing experience, but it was pretty enjoyable as a tool for relaxation.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40144
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2005Views: 12,772
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2C-C (262) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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