Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
The Reason I Stopped Using It
Citation:   Mystical Llama. "The Reason I Stopped Using It: An Experience with Melatonin (exp40174)". Apr 18, 2006.

6.0 mg oral Melatonin (daily)
After the xmas holidays I decided to regulate my sleeping patterns using Melatonin. I was also inclined to use Melatonin as I hoped it would allow me to have a better nights rest, having been waking up multiple times during the night previously.

I had taken it maybe 6 months earlier as I wanted to experience more vivid dreams. As it happened, though I did experience this I felt it not worth the interrupted sleep I suffered from waking up during the majority of the lucid dreams I encountered.

So anyway, the most recent time I have been using Melatonin I have had two fairly disruptive experiences. What happened the first time, a week or so ago, is that I woke up during the night, and attempted to get back to sleep - only to find myself lucid dreaming as soon as I seemingly fell asleep. Now, these dreams seemed to originate from very basic parts of my subconscious, for example one of the dreams was of myself in a scene at work, looking through a guide on something as I usually do to check certain things, and I read a part saying 'number must be wrote in roman numerals'. It was extremely short, but it was hugely vivid, and lucid. Now I forgot about this dream, until I was at work where I was asked a question about the same part, in which I explained to the colleague that among other things, she must write the number in roman numerals. Now, this isn't actually in the guide at work...and when thinking hard on why I would have thought the guide had this written I managed to remember that in fact, I had dreamt this.

My analysis of this is that when I do this part of work, I do write it in roman numerals personally, though it isn't by any means essential, so the dream must've been a represntation of that part of my subconscious - but in dreaming it so vividly, in such light sleep (in that I had barely dropped off) and then forgetting the dream - it actually became a part of my memory.

Another issue was that in waking up one night, attempting to get back to sleep I actually got stuck in the same dream each time, and woke up each time - what must've been 3/4 times. It was a dream where I felt like I was being pulled up by 2 hands swooping down from somewhere high above, from my bed - it was lucid, I was saying 'For fuck sake' in my mind because it aggrivated me rather than scaring me. I was pulling back as hard as I could to stay in my bed instead of being pulled up - each time I succeeded in staying down I woke up. This happened 3/4 times, the same dream the instant I fell asleep.

I've stopped taking it now, as I didn't fancy any repeats of the first issue I wrote about. The second one was mostly aggrivating but I suppose slightly interesting - I could feel the hands underneath me, and I felt almost awake - thought it still was definitely a dream.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40174
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2006Views: 79,585
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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