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Had to Work Hard at Not Getting Bogged Down
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Claire. "Had to Work Hard at Not Getting Bogged Down: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp40732)". Dec 21, 2022.

20 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
Sometime in the past I decided to eat 20g of Indian Cubensis Mushrooms.

I lay back and waited for things to happen. They took a while to take effect and as I lay down on the bed the first thing I became aware of was coloured circles when I closed my eyes and strange geometric patterns that appeared on the ceiling.

The trip gradually intensifed and I realised that my soul had left my body.The spirit of the mushrooms asked me did I wish to enter the light? Warning me that if I did so then I would be dead and unable to return. I replied that I did not and re-entered my body.

Then the spirit of the Mushrooms said that I had to go on a shamanic journey to my lower world and learn to embrace and set free the 'negative' parts of myself. I asked for assistance with this task from them and they replied that it was not for them to help me-that I had to do the work myself.

Breathing deeply I walked down some stone steps and encountered a hideous being locked in a cage.This being was wild eyed and dressed in rags. As I opened the cage the being rushed out. I managed to grab her by the ankle, embraced her and told her that I loved her. We merged into one being and as I opened my eyes and returned to this reality I felt a real surge in power.

I asked the spirit of the mushrooms what they thought of god and their attitude was God, Pah! They said that god had got the whole story of the creation of Adam and Eve the wrong way round and as they did so I had a vision that I was Eve and Adam crawled from me fully formed.

Then I was told that I needed to cut the emotional ties from someone in my life and run far far away from them as they were not good for me. I did so and ran fast in the other direction as Lion (one of my power animals) bounding alongside me.

I lay back and chilled out for a while and then sunk into a trance as the spirit of Kali semi-possessed me. I was filled with an overwhelming urge to smash the room up. I appealed to Kali not to do so and she agreed. She told me that her role was to destroy with one hand and create with the other and that this was her age and that she was destroying humankind so that the next species could emerge -- she said that it was pointless to resist her and told me that it was important to look after mother earth as to do otherwise would not be fair on what would come afterwards.

I decided that I wanted to listen to the Orb CD that I had bought earlier but the Mushroom spirits would not let me do this and told me that I had to listen to the sounds of the cars driving past -- as I did so I had a vision of Pachamama (mother earth) her eyes dulled with pain which was being caused by pollution.

At this point I had to work hard at not getting bogged down in a head fuck situation of feeling too much pain and going down the road of having a bad trip. The Mushrooms threw it back at me saying 'well what are you going to do about it?'. I replied that I was going to lead as ecological a life as possible. I suddenly had the realisation that people were mistreating mother earth as they had been subjected to poor mothering and rather than dealing with this they were pouring their anger out on mother earth.

By now I was extremely tired and lying curled up in a ball saying I'm so tired repeatedly. The experience went for several more hours before I finally crashed out at sunrise.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40732
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2022Views: 260
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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