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Thoughts on Insufflation
by 2ton
Citation:   2ton. "Thoughts on Insufflation: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp40748)". Jan 11, 2007.

22 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
My cousin and trip-partner F and I recently decided to insufflate 2C-T-2. He has done this three times before and I had not tried it yet, although I had taken it orally about 7 times. I was told that it was uncomfortable and the duration was shortened, but that the intensity was amplified and the come-up takes only about 10 minutes as opposed to almost an hour when taken orally.

In my bedroom at 11PM sharp I insufflated 22mg arranged in a single line. Immediately I knew what he meant, as the pain and uncomfortable sensation in my right nostril grew more and more intense. I believe I will never be the same in the prescense of 2C-T-2 powder again. I began to get jittery and experience minor visuals, consisting mostly of waves and color shifting at about the 3 minute point, and it continued to grow as F took his line at 11:10, a 22mg dose as well.

I sat on my bed and just let the chemical take hold. Within 5 minutes of taking his line, F ran for the bathroom, spitting up white foam. He asked me to take a look, and out of concern I took a look. It was rather unsettling, and sent my own bout of nausea into motion. I was able to keep it together, forcibly, for another 15 minutes until I too felt the need to throw up.

After about 10 minutes in the bathroom, F and I sat down and watched Bram Stoker's Dracula, an interesting choice of movie for the trip, to say the least. I must say, though, that although I normally am a bit squeamish regarding blood (I have never desired to administer drugs via IV), I was able to watch the entire movie without much discomfort. This gave me pleasure and I expressed it to F and he agreed. For the first half of the movie the settings seemed exaggerated, with normal brick walls taking on the characteristics of a 14th century prison (moss growing on the bricks, etc.) and that added to the overall feel of the movie. The second half was less visual-laced, and more emotional, as I felt a connection to each character and saw their motivation and rationale for each action they took. I actually felt sympathetic to each character's cause and goal, even though some were battling against others.

As the movie ended at about 1:45AM, we both felt that the effects had waned, and were no longer at peak. Trace effects were still present, and we set up our shesha and smoked some apple-flavored tobacco for about 45 minutes. This mellowed us both out and made us both feel tired. We turned on some blues and chilled for another three hours and went to sleep around 5:30AM, feeling very much back at baseline.

Overall, this trip, while it was a good experience, was not worth the complete discomfort of the first hour. I felt very shaky and strange as the substance took hold, and the effects just did not justify the discomfort of the route of administration. I feel like oral administration is better overall for the body and is much more mellow. F, who enjoys intensity above all (he had a severe cocaine addiction for about a year before he swore it off) justifies this as part of the allure of insufflation, but I disagree and will continue to experiment with 2C-T-2, but only orally.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40748
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 10,923
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2C-T-2 (53) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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