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To The Moon And Back
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Amphibiouz. "To The Moon And Back: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp40874)". May 20, 2007.

360 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I totally underestimated the effect of those little seeds. To be honest, I wasn't prepared for anything like this. I knew the experience can vary a lot depending on the person. I thought I'd just get a nasty nausea and a slight mood lift like many people trying Morning Glory. My experiences with narcotics limit to cannabis and extacy - this was a whole new level for me.

I had planned this trip for a few days and came into conclusion that my brother's apartment would be a great place to do the thing. I ate the last meal somewhere around 2pm. I took a bite of pizza and revealed the seeds from a little matchbox. There was a slight tension about the taste and the nausea that many people complain. I chewed about 20 seeds a time and then swallowed 'em with water. It was about 5pm. In my opinion they tasted neutral, not bad at all. I decided to lay back to listen to some relaxing music and wait for the effects.

I was pretty surprised that I didn't notice any nausea or anything. No effects were detected yet until I put an end for the music and started playing with my cellphone. The light from the keypad and screen seemed kinda blurry. I kept exploring the light for a moment and noticed that I could see the beams of light when looking from the right direction. I was able to stretch and point the rays anywhere I wanted just by changing the angle of vision. It worked like sort of a flashlight! I went to check if my pupils were dilated yet but they were totally normal.

At this point my brother and I were pretty disappointed. We believed that they were bad seeds because there were no actual effects excluding the funny way light acted. My bro had got tickets for us to the cinema so we went out. Ok, there might have been a slight change in the contrast outside. The lights outside also acted funny, when I looked into the light of traffic light the rays of light were sparkling in my eyes. Nothing big.

I started to feel a bit abnormal. All the people talking in the cinema sounded odd. I felt absent. If someone familiar person had run into me he definitely would have sensed that something was wrong. In midway of the movie the seeds started to kick in. It was freaky. I felt really dosed, drunk and paralysed at the same time. I felt like I was liquid. I had to keep moving on my seat because it felt like I was becoming a part of the seat. I also noticed some change in my vision, I saw some little rotating circles everywhere I looked.

Movie was over. We left fast so we wouldn't run into anyone. Walking was really strange. My legs felt so numb. Walking felt like gliding around. I was obviously dosed now. We decided to go straight to home for some chillout. I was pretty sure this was no partydrug and I was right.

The next hours I kinda lost the control of time. When we got home I checked my eyes. Bloody hell! I've never seen anyone's eyes like this! My eyes were not even close to this on E. It was really freaky. They were totally dilated. You could barely see the colour of the eye.

I was looking forward for some chilling music. I got my mp3-player playing some 'Trip to Inner Self' by Essential Trip. It really suited the moment. So, I got the earphones on and myself lying on a soft bed. Wonderful!

I closed my eyes. I was enjoying the music at 110 percent. It really sounded and felt good. I also started to notice some closed-eye visuals. Dots circulating here and there. I really concentrated on the dots and got kind of a zoom on them. They were beautiful. I could see millions of colours changing shapes, moving around, becoming other colours. Somewhere at this point I kinda lost conciousness or at least it felt like it. I couldn't separate my senses anymore. Music felt like vision and the other way around. At this point I felt imaginatively ease. Like an eternal orgasm of psyche.

Now the psychedelic effects were really coming on the peak. I left reality and dove into my mind. I was a perfect being. A spiritual being. I was out of my body. My body was dead. I was perfection of knowledge. It was time to get all the answers. I solved every mystery that had ever bothered me. I found out what happens after death. I was there. I had all the answers of the greatest mysteries in history. Nothing could stop me. I just needed to fly through all those beautiful circulating colours and take the answers. Although it's pretty hard to remember all those answers. But I remember some of them were really terrifying. It felt good to know everything.

I was still tripping like mad. Now that I had solved all the secrets in world I wanted to get back to reality. But I couldn't. I was dead. I tried to find God in order to him to bring me back to my body, to my old life. But I couldn't find Him. I swore I'd never use any drugs or do any harm to anyone if I got back. I fell into agony when I thought all my beloved ones - and I'd never see them again.

Somehow I got back to reality. But I thought it wasn't reality. It wasn't somehow possible. Before I started tripping my brother and his girlfriend were watching some movie on the sofa. Now there was no-one. There was a total silence. I couldn't see anything clearly! I mean anything! Everything was blurry and the colours were shaping everywhere. I checked the TV. There was a still image. I knew what had happened. I had freezed the time. I started to panic. 'How will I solve this?' I asked myself. I was walking around the apartment anxiously. I decided to get to back to tripping, I got all the answers from the other dimension, why wouldn't I now?

I don't exactly know what happened. I totally freaked out. I thought I had lost my mind. All I wanted was to be sober again! I really didn't know what was real anymore. I couldn't believe in anything. I felt like Neo in The Matrix when Morpheus reveals the secret. I got up and tried some walking. It felt like falling forward. I could see like 3 frames per second. I called my for my brother since the sofa was still empy and the TV was still. My god I was glad to hear his voice from the bathroom. It was like a tiny proof that I wasn't completely insane. My brother tried to ask me about my trip but I couldn't tell him. I mustn't. The secrets weren't meant for outsiders, I wasn't supposed to take them out of the other dimension. Somehow it would had affected all of our lives.

Now afterwards I'm really disappointed that I couldn't enjoy the tripping more. I was a total paranoid. Afraid of everything. We all went to sleep. But there was no chance for me to get sleep since there was still a thousand of thoughts circulating in my mind. Mostly negative thoughts. I was scared that I would cut my penis off. I had read and seen pictures the other night about a guy who did such thing.

I hadn't peed all night. My bladder was blowing. I went to bathroom. I urinated in a sitting position since it was hard to stand stable. I looked at my penis. It was ugly, like a dead rose. Felt like it wasn't mine. Urination did hurt a bit. Bathroom was unpleasant all the way and it didn't help a thing that I started to hallucinate really badly. I started to read some magazine which has a friendly figure on its logo. But now, it wasn't friendly at all. It was a really nasty figure with devil's horn and evil grinning. I kept exploring it for a while and suddenly it just like transformed back to the original shape.

I tried to get some sleep again. Not a chance. I was still totally out of reality. I kept asking my brother to talk to me, it was like a proof that I hadn't gone insane and that I wasn't trapped in the other dimension. The other thing that made sleeping hard was the distorted sounds. Nothing sounded normal, I could hear some voices like really loud, like the humming from the refrigerator. It was pretty scary. I tried to close my eyes, but I could still see all those colours, not as strong as before, though. And it was annoying to keep 'em open because I saw everything as triple.

The rest of the night I was just lying there and thinking about everything. The trip, my life. I didn't sleep at all. In the morning I felt mentally exhausted but not bad at all. It was like I'd just been on a journey for 10 years and now came back a lot wiser and experienced. It felt good to be sober again - it was a damn scary night after all. My hearing was very sensitive the next day and my eyes were still reacting differently on the light the next week.

I learnt much from my trip. I have a whole new aspect on drugs. I now realize that all drugs aren't meant for partying, they play also an important role in all kind of self-examination. I understand way better how the mind works and what it's capable of. Afterwards I regard both being sober and psychedelics much more. Will I try Heavenly Blue again? I'm sure I will. Hopefully the next time will be without those mad paranoid thoughts.

If you consider taking Heavenly Blue, go for it. I don't have a single bad word to say 'bout it. Just make sure you have a really close friend next to you to remind you about the reality.

It was beautiful.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40874
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2007Views: 8,605
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Music Discussion (22), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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