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Hard Natural Trip
HBW, Mushrooms, Nitrous Oxide, Salvia divinorum, Blue Lotus, Cannabis, Poppy & DMT
Citation:   Particle16. "Hard Natural Trip: An Experience with HBW, Mushrooms, Nitrous Oxide, Salvia divinorum, Blue Lotus, Cannabis, Poppy & DMT (exp41042)". Mar 2, 2010.

T+ 0:00
8 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (dried)
  T+ 2:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 2:30 1 g oral Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
  T+ 6:30 .5 bowls smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:30 .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (dried)
  T+ 6:30 .5 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  T+ 6:30 .5 bowls smoked Poppies - California (seeds)
Hawaian Baby Woodrose (8 seeds)
Magic Mushrooms (1 block in chocolate)
NOS (50 ISI chargers)
Salvia Divonorum 5x Extract (half cone)
California Poppy & DMT (half cone)
Blue Lotus (half cone)
Marijuana (half cone)

Having been off all drugs since the morning of the 1st of January, a while day to be exact, we decided to give Hawaian Baby Woodrose seeds a try, hearing that they contained LSA which was a far more enjoyable trip than current street acid. The husk was removed with a knife and also washed off, the seeds were left to soak in warm water after being chewed and spat back into the individual glasses. They were then absorbed when the water was cool, but in retrospect it would have been less than an hour since eating a small meal, probably not the wisest decision as we were warned of nausea. Being around 100kg, I chose to try 8 seeds, with my girlfriend around 60-70 having 6 seeds, and another friend of similar weight trying 4 seeds. While he tripped lightly and felt little to nausea, me and my girlfriend both felt quite sick for a good 2 hours. Little tripping as such was felt as quite horrible nausea and thinking of spewing up were deep in our thoughts at all times.

Getting quite tired of feeling so sick, I suggested we have a few bulbs of NOS and hopefully numb the stomach and the thoughts (note, jumping into a cold swimming pool is far easier on a bulb of NOS) - still having 120 left from New Years. I believe they were definatelly accelerated and enhanced by the LSA content (as NOS on street acid is), and we proceeded to each use a lot of NOS in a 2.5 hour block, attempting different things such as walking around on lower hits, as well as loading each other up to have quick successive hits with minor oxygen intake, care was taken not to reach the 'blue lips' feeling often experienced by heavy NOS users. After only a few bulbs the sickening feeling of the seeds was removed, and we decided to have a block of Magic Mushrooms in chocolate each. The mushrooms on their own were never felt, but once again I believe they also increased the quality of the bulbs though they were probably a waste at this stage. The NOS experiences were quite standard, but several outstanding bulbs were experienced.

One in particular was a powerful delay where I found my awareness and vision return before both proper hearing and self-realisation, and i found the ability to slowly rise to stay within a perfect nitrous place for an extended period of time (potentially a few more seconds) and at the same time look straight ahead at the awesome view we were presented with (at a holiday place by the river). Several of the bulbs were in this way able to be analysed much better, though still not as intense as the mixture of nitrous oxide with ecstasy & post ketamine.

About an hour after the bulbs ran out, and almost 6-7 hours after the LSA seeds were first taken, I decided to put the bong I brought with me to good use, and loaded up 2 cones. The first contained California Poppy laced with DMT, as well as Salvia Divonorum 5x extract. As I smoked this outside in the pitch black night, I only felt the slightly calming effect of the California Poppy and the light confusion that I gather comes from the DMT. This only lasted a few seconds and I was quickly back loading up a cone with some strong hydroponic marijuana and blue lotus. Having smoked this I quite quickly felt quite stoned, within 2 minutes I had left the room and staggered quite slowly into the toilet, where I simply sat upon the closed lid. I had started feeling quite sick and was almost sure that I'd vomit within the next few minutes, so I put my head back against the wall and started thinking of other things. Very quickly I noted visualisations moving before me, and time came almost to an absolute standstill. The visualisations were very slow rotating patterns of blue and red colours, quite dull and moving very slowly in a fractal formation. As I viewed them I noticed a very loud deafening buzz coming around me and within a few seconds I had blanked out.

The next moment that I remember was my reality slowly coming back. At first I noticed little particles or my fractal visions returning, first quite dark and slowly getting lighter as my general spectrum of vision before me was appearing. The buzzing in my ears was slowly subsiding and I could feel a strange chill over me. I quickly realised this was the sweat that always appears on me when smoking Salvia Divonorum, and the fan of the toilet had been blowing at me quite hard for the past few minutes getting me to feel this cold. It was several moments still until I could bear to open my eyes and actually realised where I was. From what I'm told by my friends, I was away for enough time for them to worry about me, but they assumed I had gone for a lie down in the bedroom. It was quite a terrifying experience having reality slowly melt away, and then awaken back in what appeared to have almost been a highly delayed nitrous hit spaced over a good twenty minutes. Another strange fact is that I had smoked Salvia Divonorum in 3-4x the quantity previously (attempted 5 times in the last year with next to no success), and even held it on for a lot longer than on this occasion, yet only this mix and general presence of other psychoactives in my body had finally triggered it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2010Views: 9,474
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H.B. Woodrose (26), DMT (18), Salvia divinorum (44), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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