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Withdrawal Trials
Kratom ('super' powdered leaf)
Citation:   BJ and the Ninja. "Withdrawal Trials: An Experience with Kratom ('super' powdered leaf) (exp41417)". Mar 18, 2005.

  drops oral Kratom (daily)
from 6-9 ( six to nine) grams per day, for 10 days

I decided to post this to give my personal experience with kratom withdrawal. I have previously (a year ago) gone through w/d's from hydrocodone, and more recently, opium poppy tea. I'm going to make sort of a comparison between the poppy withdrawal and the kratom withdrawals. I'll refer to both forms of withdrawal as 'w/d'.

I bought a good amount of kratom super powdered leaf, and I made a feeble attempt to not abuse it, but I failed. I ended up using it 2 to 3 times a day, using 2 or 3 grams per dose. Or so. I measured with a teaspoon.

I would have to say the the kratom w/d caught me a little off guard. However, I should have seen it coming. They lasted longer than my hydrocodone w/d, but was not as intense. The kratom w/d lasted almost as long as the poppy w/d, but not quite. It is less extreme then the poppy w/d, but that of course, changes depending on dosage, and your individual body.

In my experience, the w/d from kratom is like a toned-down version of opium tea w/d. I get tired easily, my muscles are sore, I get depressed, and feel kind of (unpleasantly) detatched from other people. I get depressed, usually in the mornings, and then at night it gets worse. And it makes me poop a lot for awhile, after the constipation wears off. But with kratom, the withdrawal has not been as severe as the withdrawal from the opiates I mentioned.

If I have good judgement, and I use this plant occasionally (maybe once a week), I imagine that it would be much easier to 'kick'. I hope that this info helps someone out there.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41417
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 18, 2005Views: 15,100
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Kratom (203) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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