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Low Dose
Citation:   metasyn. "Low Dose: An Experience with AMT (exp41542)". Jul 15, 2005.

13 mg insufflated AMT (powder / crystals)
Last night I had my first AMT experience. While I am well versed in various psychedelics, I have been relatively clean for a couple years and have recently felt the desire to revisit the realm. I am lucky enough to have a little AMT I kept from when it was still unscheduled, and even though it was a few years old, it seemed to retain its potentency well. Since this was much first time in a while, I wanted a relatively low, background dose.

I didn't have much AMT so to make the most of it my friend and I decided to snort 10-15mg at 3:30pm. We were also somewhat apprehensive about a 20 hour trip and reasoned snorting would shorten the trip at least a little bit. This stuff burns a bit is is quite unpleasant in the nose for 20-30 minutes afterwards.

Very shortly (whithin a half hour), I start to feel the familiar psychedelic buzz. A beautiful sense of warmth, mellow energy, alertness, and well being. I take a shower and the water feels incredible.

T+3:00 I play music with my band, which both sounds and feels amazing. I am at a solid plus one.

T+5:00 we head to a friend's house for a predominately alcohol-oriented gathering. I feel fine with this since the trip isn't very intense and I am comfortable with everyone there. At this stage I feel very empathic, relaxed, and talkative, but all still distincly psychedelic. Confirming what I've read previously, this feels like a combination of LSD and MDMA, although in my situation, a low dose of each. Everything is very mellow and easy to take, with a wonderful sense of well-being that I've missed from psychedelics. I am able to ignore it and concentrate on other things if I desire, but it is clearly there and positively effects my interaction with others all night.

When I finally go to bed at T+12:00 I am still going strong, having experienced plus one for over 10 hours. I am tired (from the day and from the trip), and I am able to sleep without much problem.

I wake up at T+18:00 still feeling effects! I wouldn't even call it a plus one anymore, but it is definitely still there. The rest of the day gradually blends into normality.

Being initiated to psychedelics on mushrooms and occasional LSD, I was slightly unprepared for this long of a trip. However, at this low dose it was easily manageable and pleasant throughout. I would imagine that at a higher dose the length might begin to grow tiresome.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41542
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2005Views: 9,530
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