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Meeting With the Spirit
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   bluegreen. "Meeting With the Spirit: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp41705)". May 20, 2018.

3 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (liquid)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
First of excuse my english....I speak rather french.

A little anxious, I let soak three seeds crushed of A. nervosa in a little vodka during five hours. In the late afternoon, I drank the surnageant on a empty stomach... Fortunately, I took only 3 seeds because what followed is beyond any description.

The plant nicely took me by the hand and with lot of softness brought the answers to me to all my existential questions. I left to walk in surrounding nature, sat down in a field under a splendid sky with a beautifull sunset... and I can resume what followed by only one word...extase.....

pure extase in front of the incredible beauty of a thing what we do never see but what is however beside us... The universe, our world, in a calm and a indescribable silence. The mask fell... finally.

I realized at what point my friends were important for me for the joy and the laughter that we share together. I saw them ravelling in front of me with a superb clearness. I saw each one of them with their particular characteristics, their concern, their qualities, their defects and I understood instantaneousely how to help them on their path of life...

The night came and I returned to the house surprised by the quality of what happened to me... the spirit touch my poor person and clarified me with a soft and warm interior light...

Lastly, I returned at home purified, after years on the road. I lit candles and incense, put soft music until the early morning in one atmosphere of peace and meditation as I had'nt known from a long time ago. There will be a before and an after...

I am in deep veneration in front of the power of these plants and I will be always infinitely grateful for what they brought to me. They deserve our respect and they should not be taken with lightness... In the morning I went to see my ipomaea violacea flourishing, and each blue flower seemed to laugh at the good joke that their tropical cousin had played to me... I will not do it again before a long time but from now, I know that I have an ally soft and quiet but incredibly powerful.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 41705
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 974
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