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A Night of Equilibrium
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
Citation:   ParadoxDeity. "A Night of Equilibrium: An Experience with Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) (exp41878)". Sep 21, 2005.

75 mg oral Pharms - Chlordiazepoxide (pill / tablet)
I received a supply of librium from a foreign pharmacy. The pills were encased in foil. Upon removing them I notice they had no marking, but I took a sample dose to make sure they were what they said they were.

After consuming 75mg,
Mild Sedation, a general relaxation.
More Sedation, and I feel more relaxed.
Sedation has been reduced but the feeling of being relaxed has not receded.

The symptoms of sedation and the feeling of being relaxed didn't leave until I woke up the next morning.

I conclude that this benzo is decent among a long list of weaker benzos. In the doses of 75mg (3x25mg) it felt comparable to 50mg of valium or 10mg of xanax without any negative side effects. None of the Valium hangover, or the memory loss caused by xanax.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41878
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2005Views: 26,844
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