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Chaotic Harmony
DOI & Cannabis
Citation:   Zach D. "Chaotic Harmony: An Experience with DOI & Cannabis (exp42002)". Oct 4, 2005.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral DOI (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had this blotter of DOI for about 1 month now just waiting sitting there for the right moment to take. The night I took it was a great night for it. At around 7 o'clock I swallowed the blotter ['3.5mgs'] which was bitter tasting and thought nothing of it. We had plans to go to to a cabin up north about a half hour and stay the night there. By the time we got there I started seeing small changes like brightness of lights.

3+hours It's now 10 o'clock everyone is getting started I just racked up 2 lines of MDMA for friends. I look in the mirror and notice my pupils are getting very big and I feel a weird wave of something coming through me when I was staring into the mirror. My friends snort their lines of MDMA and we go into the garage to smoke some cannabis. We smoke maybe 2-4 bowls and I notice a slight visual distortion kind of like everything has a look like its vibrating on the edges of it. Its now 11 o clock and this feeling is really picking up I feel myself being pulled in half and it feels very odd. I get out of the garage and notice all the lights in the house are off and walk into a hallway. Right then I realized I was at a +++ and it was going to be a hell of a trip. I was stumbling down this never ending hallway and looking on the walls I saw many things on the walls. The craziest thing I think I saw was smiley faces on everything and them spinning around. It was pretty awsome feeling in my head.

I felt complete and total mental clarity and complete control of my thoughts. But my vision was experiencing Chaos. I went to lay in bed with some music to see what would happen. This point the trip Becomes a STRONG +++ and I start seeing patterning on the walls with the music. I think about DOI and I like the drug because it allows me to think clearheaded thought process yet be completely submerged in psychedelic experience at the same time. I did this for maybe 2 hours. Until 3 drunk people came crashing down my door and startled me I led them back to the kitchen and had them sit down. I went out into the garage to check on my friend who was rolling to see to my surprise that he was smoking a bowl. I smoked some cannabis and then smoked a cig and gained myself and realize that the visual distortions where not as intense in light as they are in dark.

I go back inside to find out people at this party are having a little to much too drink. I get everyone a bagel, 2 asprin and some water and have everyone sit down. My rolling friend D is running around rushing his head off you can tell by how he is snorting and grinding his teeth. But for some reason on DOI my patience is very limited. But I would not explode on someone like I would on an MDMA crash. I just put it in my memory bank and think nothing of it for now. Many people for now are going to bed or smoking bowls n cigs out in the garage. I decide to go back out into the garage and smoke a few cigs and pack a bowl. I come back and am thinking about how nicely the DOI mixes with the cannabis its a very good combination it definately potentiates the affects of the DOI. At this point everyone or most everyone is in bed except for me and 1 other person who is cleaning up after the drunks who are asleep. It is now about 4 am

I go to bed in hopes of getting maybe a few minutes of sleep. Nope not happening no sleep will be had but I still lay in bed until about 6 at which point I get up shower get a glass of water with some ice in it pour some lemon juice in there to make it sour. Whenever I need a pick me up this drink is a pick me up right here. I go out in the garage and smoke a few cigs and drink some water and wake up a bit. The sun is rising and I turn on CNN and watch about the popes death.

I decided to get some more water and make something to eat. I’m really hungry and eating tastes and feels good. Its now around 8 in the morning and everyone is up and awake and doing something. I pack a bowl of cannabis to myself because the effects of the DOI had pretty much died off or so I thought. Then right after I smoked the cannabis the DOI hit me again and I was at about a ++. Irritated I took it with stride and said I know now oh well. The car ride home was very confusing for me as I was very disorientated from my head being overused and abused all night. I got home and went right for bed in hopes of sleeping a little. NO I’m still not sleeping! I spend the rest of the day tidying up doing small little chores around the house. Until about 7 at which point I pass out in the computer chair from exhaustion.

Overall the experience on the DOI was very good and I would do it again but if I were to do it again I would take it early in the day around say 7AM so that by noon I would be tripping. Then by about 4-5AM I would be asleep. This psychedelic experience is very long.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2005Views: 10,024
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DOI (259) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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