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A Delicate Substance
Citation:   Funky Gnome. "A Delicate Substance: An Experience with Coleus (exp42009)". Mar 31, 2006.

  oral Coleus (plant material)
The alcaloids in Coleus appear to have a delicate nature. I have dried and smoked the leaves - nothing, I have boiled and ate it like greens - nothing. Coleus doesn't like heat.

The only way to get anything out of coleus is to chew the bitter leaves. It works, and works well. a mild effect can be had from just a few leaves, but I have to eat/chew about 15 - 20 for a hefty trip, and they are really bitter. It does tend to make me throw up, and the puke is usually a deep red. I Don't worry about it, though, it is worth it.

Exp Year: 1975ExpID: 42009
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2006Views: 4,697
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Coleus (168) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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