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Same Basement, New World
Morning Glory
Citation:   Valyntyne. "Same Basement, New World: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp42044)". Aug 1, 2007.

300 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
After reading a great deal of stuff on morning glory, I decided that I definitely needed to try it out. My buddy, F, had also done a lot of reading up, so one Saturday night, I stopped at Home Depot. I picked up 20 bags of Heavenly Blues, each bag holding about 50 seeds. After this, myself and a friend, P, had gone to another friend's, S, gramma's house. We had come to this basement so many times before to get stoned and drink ourselves into unconsciousness, so we knew it'd be a safe place to trip on MG. Because his grandparents were unexpectedly home, I wasn't really able to use a coffee grinder or even wash them off properly without them being sketched out. So, I just cracked a bag around 8:00 PM and downed them, and believe me, that is a bad idea! I spent about 3-5 minutes per bag, chewing up and grinding the contents in my mouth. The taste is definitely not as bad as some people have said. It's kinda like unsalted sunflower seeds.

20 minutes and 6 bags later, I had taken my fill. To help with any stomach nausea that might have ensued, I brought along some Pepto. I figured this was a good time to take some. Unfortunately, the Pepto didn't do its job. After about 10 minutes or so, I began to feel sick -- real sick. I layed down on a futon in the basment and just tried to chill out. That didn't work. I started puking into a plastic bag that was down there. Although the puking sucks, I'm usually glad that it happens. It kills the stomach pains. But this time, I wasn't feeling better yet.

My buddies were pretty much scared out of trying it now. We decided maybe I should get some fresh air, so we went outside where we waited for F, who was on his way. After a couple of minutes hanging around in the driveway, I started puking again. This time the puking was pretty crazy. I hadn't lifted my head for about 5 minutes, but when I finally did, I felt GREAT. The stomachache was completely gone.

F then pulled up and we went back to the basement. F, like myself, is a diehard. We love drugs. So, my getting sick didn't stop him. He used the same primitive prepation as me. At about 9:00, while he was taking the seeds, I definitely started feeling the effects. At first, there was just a small wave of euphoria. I felt good and everything seemed right. I started cracking jokes with my friends and they all seemed to be perfectly funny. There was also a mild physical aspect at first, a lot of tingling and a waviness to my movement. This continued for about 30 minutes or so. By this time, F had began feeling it too.

I just kinda stood there talking to him for awhile, until I first noticed some subtle visuals. They were pretty basic. Mostly waves and funnels. Colors also had a new vibrance. So, to enjoy this some more, I sat down on the futon and just chilled out for a few minutes, but, as I expected, it wasn't becoming as intense as quick as I hoped. I soon went back over to my friends. Everything was so damn funny and there was such a peace of mind among us, but P and S were becoming kind of irritated because they weren't experiencing the MG, so me and F backed off for awhile.

It was about 9:30. We sat back, describing the growing trip to one another. The spirituality factor had definitely set in. We went on and on about the mind, body, and spirit apsects of life. Gradually, this conversation had reached its way to the floor. The rug seemed so beautiful to me. The fibers of the rug seemed to smoothly sway back and forth like a tall field. We laid there and enjoyed this for awhile. A million thoughts ran through my head. I felt like I had an answer for everything. It was incredibly empowering.

Then, at about 10:15 or so, we became social with S and P again. P was no longer annoyed and thought it would be funny to play a trick on his tripping buddy -- a definite no-no and pet peeve. He had this gag pen that zaps you when you try to open it. That damn thing scared the HELL out of me. I fell to the back of the futon, shaking and whimpering. Everyone got a good laugh out of this. S desperately wanted to get on our level, so he had begun to take some seeds. He, however, spit the seed pulp back into the bags after chewing them. We had swallowed all of it. His trip was completely physical with no sickness at all, so this is definitely a safer method of consuming MG.

The trip had become very intense. It felt like I had molded into everything I touched. I crawled onto a chair and then over to the futon. It was though I was a piece of the room itself, combining with furniture and the floor. Above the futon's back, there is a giant circular mirror. At about 11:00, this mirror had become everything to me. I clung to it, desperately trying to reach the world on the other side that was very clear to me. I wanted to escape this world and join the mirror world. I remained there for about half an hour, falling in love with the reflection and everything that it symbolized for me. I desperately wanted the perfection that the mirror offered to me.

I decided to share this with my friends, but they were all in their own worlds; F trying to get under a table, S experiencing intense sensitivity, and even P had become very drunk during this time. Then, I had to pee pretty damn badly. I went to the bathroom up the stairs and before I could reach the toilet, I stopped to look at the mirror in there. Although this mirror didn't have a world, it was interesting in its own respect. I stared at my reflection and my face underwent a tranformation. My skin turned blue and seemed to crumble away. It looked like my skin was being stretched across my head and my skull's form was very prevalent. My chin was melting off of my face, dripping into the sink below. Although very creepy, it didn't scare me. I just backed away from the mirror. But then, the mirror itself seemed to come off the wall and start moving back and forth, so I took my piss break and left.

As I walked back downstairs, I heard something that was almost surreal at the moment -- Pink Floyd coming from the tv. I came into the room a little disoriented. Everyone was silent and laying down. So I decided to lay on my back in front of the tv with F. Then, the Who's 'Baba O'Riley' came on. It was perfect. The intro went right through me. I couldn't control myself. I started twitching and shivering. After the music fest, we came back together and experienced some more amazing shit, including time with a space heater and my mirror friend.

The trip continued until about 2:30 AM when we fell asleep. Morning glory is an intense substance that can be both awesome and an incredible insight. It's quite strong, but not overwhelming. I would definitely do it again, but with a different method of preparation. Getting sick sucked, but was worth it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42044
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2007Views: 7,841
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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