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Detection Cut-Off Too Low
None (THC detected)
Citation:   Job Hunter. "Detection Cut-Off Too Low: An Experience with None (THC detected) (exp42346)". Erowid.org. Mar 28, 2006. erowid.org/exp/42346

I was on the market for a new job recently...and I found 2 that I REALLY liked. I also had a third job to fall back on in case those didn't follow through. Anyway, I was asked to do a drug screen for all 3 jobs...ironically on the same day and at the same lab. I went to the first test and gave a sample with no problem. Second, again no problem...they just gave me odd looks. Third time I got questioned by an MRO to confirm that my tests were all for different companies and I wasn't just fucking with them. (BTW, it ended up being the bitchy fat nurse that complained to him). I wait two days...and get a call back from all the jobs.

Job 1: You've failed your drug test.

Job 2: You've passed your drug test

Job 3: You've failed your drug test.

Huh? Failed!!!! I don't do drugs! Plus I passed one of the tests...why?

I investigated...the two failures had been confirmed by GC/MS as positive for THC...now to remind you all, the limit is 15ng/ml mine was at 15.2 and 15.6.

Here is my story as to why I may have failed even when I don't do drugs. My home is a split level apartment with conjoined heat and air ducts. So anything they smoke goes into my house. I smell pot being smoked everyday...for the past 3 years of living here. I contacted the MRO for the lab and spoke with him about this and he said that no study has been conducted for 'low-level, chronic exposure' and that since the government actually had raised the levels for the immunoassay from 20ng/ml to 100ng/ml then down to 50ng/ml because of greater study into THC absorbtion, I may have a case to change those levels in the federal mandate...I'm not really a crusader but I've been thinking about it.

Basically my experience report is a warning. Drug tests are unfair and suspect. I don't do drugs but I have been unfairly branded due to a flawed system. I lost 2 out of three job prospects because of them.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42346
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2006Views: 23,739
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