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Wizard Pudding
Citation:   Phoenix. "Wizard Pudding: An Experience with Kratom (exp42430)". Apr 10, 2018.

22,5 g oral Kratom
I've taken alota of substances, but this one is my new favorite. It is Kratom a.k.a. wizard pudding. It's effects are kinda like narcotics(morphine, codeine, etc.). I recently got about 75 grmas of kratom from an online vendor. Instead of putting it into a glass of water or any liquid, I use maple syrup. Here's how and why In small doses 2-5gms it produces stimulating effects, like caffiene without the jitters. In high doses 5+gms it produces euphoric, sedating effects.

I use syrup because kratom is not souble in water. It sticks to the glass and I usually end up scraping it out with my finger. So I can up with 'Wizard Pudding'. All I have to do is put my kratom in a bowl with some maple syrup and mix them together to make a kinda mushie pudding. I grab a spoon and swallow, and find it is best to have something to drink also, just to help get it down better. Within 10-30 mintues I start to feel euphoric, layed back, relaxed, and very happy. Kratom is a little expensive, but well worth it. If I have any pains, kratom is an excellent pain killer. It's a weird but good kinda high. I usually fill very euphoric, pain free, and just an overall happy and comfortable. It's definitely like an opiate-like drug, but without extreme sedation I get after a couple of hours when I take prescription pain medication.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2018Views: 1,001
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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