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Makes Guys 200 Times Cuter
MDMA (Ecstasy)
by K
Citation:   K. "Makes Guys 200 Times Cuter: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp42432)". Jun 7, 2007.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  0.5 tablets oral MDMA (liquid)
I have always been one who likes to have a good time, and I always make sure to that. In my fifteen years of life, I haven't been extreme when it comes to drug use, but I have been smoking pot since I was twelve as well as drinking, and I have done mushrooms countless times. My best friend had been asking me to do ecstasy with her for quite a while (she had done it before) and I finally agreed to it since her parents were going to be out of town and we had the house to ourselves. We had planned to get 2 tabs, one for each of us.

Well, before we got our E, we started drinking. This was at around 5:30 PM. We decided to down some Weisers (for those of you who don't know, it's a type of Canadian Whiskey). I can't remember exactly how much, but we were both pretty tipsy. We then decided to go and walk to guy's house who had our stuff. It was about a fifteen minute walk, and when we got there, we went down into his basement where he handed us our tabs in a plastic baggie with not two but three tabs. We also sat and smoked a joint with him, and he gave this all to us for $25 Canadian, being of course that he is a good friend of my friend's brother.

Since I had never done ecstasy before, I didn't know of the different types, and I still don't know what kind we took. All I remember is that they were greenish blue tablets. Well, my friend and I walked back to her house, drunk and baked, and when we got there we waited about an hour or so (it was now about 7:30) and then each swallowed one tab. I sat down, waiting for the effects to start. I asked my friend for a drink, and she brought me some water, with (little did I know...) half of the third tab crushed inside. She told me she wanted us both to have the best possible effects, and she thought I'd be too pussy to consume a whole one and half of another, since it was my first time. Normally, I probably would be a little mad that she did that without informing me, but at that point, I was drunk and anxiously awaiting the effects, so I didn't care.

Well after waiting for about 30-45 minutes, I looked in the mirror and my pupils were quite big. I don't remember feeling anything super intense when it started to kick in, since I was expecting something like a sudden rush of intensness but it seemed to just gradually come on, making me feel giddy and happy even more so second after second. I just couldn't help but smile and my friend and I were babbling on to each other about 300 words per second it seemed. Everything just seemed so lovely and wonderful. I had the biggest smile on my face for the longest time. My friend said that she felt as though she couldn't breath properly, and she was taking large, deep breaths, but as for my breathing, it felt perfectly normal.

Well, after about twenty-five minutes, we decided to call up some friends to come over. I phoned one of my friends and asked what was going on tonight. He said that he'd stop by with some people and we'd all figure out what we'd do for that night. He ended up driving over by himself, and my friend and I asked him where everyone was. He informed us that everyone was at the movies, then heading out to a party at the lake. My friend and I wanted to go, because we were straight fucked at this point and all we felt like doing was moving around, talking (babbling would be more like it) and dancing.

Instead, we ended up going into the woods with our friend that had just come over and we went 4bying. Being high off the ground in his truck felt amazing, and the whole time, I couldn't keep my hands off the back of his neck, because touching felt great. Soon, we came to a little clearing and parked the truck. We got in the back of the truck and each had a cigarette, which felt like absolutley nothing. It felt like I was sucking on very pure, clean air.

Well soon, our friend dropped us off back home, and we decided to call some more friends. My friend got a hold of one guy (we'll call him T) that she knows fairly well, but who was at this point just an aquaintance to me. He stopped by the house in about five minutes, with a friend of his, who is quite a bit older than I am. I had never seen T's friend before, and instantly, I felt like I was in love with him. My friend and T went upstairs to chill and hook up, so T's friend and I were left alone downstairs. Mostly, we just talked while he slammed back about six beers, and I had about three. After a while, T's friend and I (let's call him A) totally hit it off, and we couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were making out for about an hour on the couch, and his hands and lips felt so soft and wonderful and I just wanted more and more of him.

Well this was now about eleven o'clock maybe, and the effects of the E weren't quite as powerful as earlier on, but I wasn't coming completely down yet. I somehow go the brilliant idea to go jump on the trampoline in the backyard, so we did so. Jumping on that thing made me feel like I was jumping into clouds. We soon went back inside and I was uncrontrollably (or so it seemed) moving my tongue back and forth as quickly as I could against my teeth, causing the metal of my tongue ring to scrape them. Well I was feeling soooo horny at this time, so A and I went upstairs where we had sex about 3 times through the course of the night.

After I started coming down off the E, I started to feel very tired and kind of sad, almost depressed. A kept asking me if I needed more, and I said know I'll just have a drink or two. So we went down stairs, where he made me a rum and coke, and then another, and then another. I felt as though I was going to pass out, but I can handle my alcohol better than any girl my age I know, so we just went and layed on the bed for a bit and stared at each other as though we were madly in love. We then drifted off to sleep in eachother's arms.

The next morning, we woke up in my friend's parents' bed. I opened my eyes, aware of my surroundings and the guy next to me, but I was thinking 'O shit, what have I done?'. He woke up, and started to cuddle me. To be honest, I felt a LITTLE uncomfortable, but at the same time I felt kind of nice. Hungover, but nice. After everyone was out of bed, we sat around the table, trying to drink some coffee, talking about the crazy shit we did during that night.

I have to say, although this sounds a little mean, that A was about 200 times better looking when I was high then that morning, not to say he was ugly or anything. Anyway, all in all, it was a great experience that I will definatley do over. As fun as ecstasy is, I would just like to say CAUTION to those who will be drinking at the same time. As much as alcohol impaires your judgement, taking E at the same time does it even more so. So be careful and have fun!! :)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42432
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2007Views: 11,032
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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