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I Can Feel My Brain
Citation:   blue monkey. "I Can Feel My Brain: An Experience with DXM (exp4244)". Dec 24, 2001.

711 mg oral DXM (liquid)
I have messed around with this stuff more times than I care to admit, but on my last voyage some thing very peculiar happened. I was pretty farmiliar with the effects of moderate doses (250-500mg) so I thought uping the dose a little would be fun. So I went out and bought the Robitussin eight ounce max strength syrup. I was pretty excited, and at about 9:30 pm that night I asked god for guidence thoughout my adventure (this is a common practice for me) and chugged the bottle to begin the waiting game.

As usual it started to hit within the hour, at about the two hour mark I had to piss quite badly. So I stood up from my bed, sort of, I damn near face planted on my desk chair. I struggled to maintain verticality as I edged my way to the bathroom. As I stood propped against the wall next to the toilet a strange yet farmiliar feeling swept over me. It was the same feeling I had as I layed dying in the ER a few months ago. (note: this was not drug related, any diabetics out there always take your meds and don't forget to eat!) Anywho, I realized I was on the verge of death and past the point of help, on the count nobody was around and the hospital was over thirty minutes away. So I made my way back to my bed to await death.

I noticed something on my way back, all my movements seemed so inorganic, as if I were a robot or something. When I collapsed onto my bed I had another all too farmiliar experience, I left my body behind, much as I did in the ER. I went everywhere, including some places I had never seen before, I talked with people and things that knew me, but I had seen in my life. Suddenly I snapped back like a rubberband, I was lying on my bed with an incredible urge to piss. So I stood and began to take the adventure to the bathroom, then suddenly I was struck with an overwhelming panic attack before I even made it to my bedroom door. So instead of going to the bathroom I pissed into a wine bottle and corked it till morning.
When I crawled my ass back into bed I felt safe and secure again, then everything went numb. I was sure this was the point at which I would die, but instead all the feeling went straight into my brain. This was something I had never in all my years felt before. I felt every part of my brain floating inside my skull, I even felt my spinal cord in the middle of my spine. This was the only sensation I had, I put my hand on my head to see if it was still there. I couldn't feel it, all I could feel was my brain and my spinal cord. I shook my head back and forth a little bit, and I could feel my brain move slightly inside my skull.

This made me wonder what would happen next, trying not to think about it I sat back and closed my eyes, and I was gone again, such a wonderful place! In the middle of a conversation with the most intriguing man I have ever met, he asked me how my body was doing. I gave him an odd look then snap I was back on my bed. I sat up and realized the drug had subsided enough to function again. So I made my way to the bathroom, a little more gracefully than the last time, and looked my self over in the mirror. After I had surmised I wasn't dead and probably wasn't going to die, I thanked god for the experience and went to pass out. Before going to sleep I noticed it was 5:30 in the morning, and I was still buzzing and seeing little things. This was odd for me seeming how all my other experiences only lasted about four hours. I woke up about 9:30 that morning spinning like a top all day. I met up with a friend of mine and we started drinking at about 3:30pm. Before I could finish my first beer, I started to feel my brain again, and the rest of the night was pretty fucked up. The next day after I had slept everything off, I came to the conclusion that I probably will never try that shit again. But never IS a pretty strong word!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4244
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2001Views: 14,205
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DXM (22) : Alone (16), General (1)

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