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Ecstacy Alternative, Not Worth It
Citation:   Anonymous. "Ecstacy Alternative, Not Worth It: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp42615)". Aug 22, 2007.

3 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
0:00- I get myself and E some chocolate milk and put 3 Tbsp into each, then two more of my friends decide they want some, so I hook J up with 2 Tbsp and D 3 Tbsp. We all try just downing it. I managed it in 2 sessions, as did J and E. D was sipping on it for awhile before trying, he eventually couldn't get it all down, he probably had bout 2.8 Tbsp.

0:10- Most of us are feeling a very weak buzz.

0:30- I'm feeling slightly happy, a little hot. Others the same.

1:00- Start feeling a little bit sick, especially in stomach.

1:30- We are walking to a friends house, E tries to intentionally vomit many times. I felt like shit myself, but I was kind of happy so I was trying to ignore it the best I could. For awhile we all felt like ass, but I was just hoping for the best, I mean we still had awhile to go before we reached peak.

2:10- We finally settle in, after going to one friends house, leaving, looking for some bud, then going back to another friends house. Lying down is the only thing to make the stomach pain/nausea go away.

2:40- I notice that I start feeling kind of euphoric, and the nausea feeling fades away. What is interesting is that this 'stage' hit E about 5 minutes after me, D about 20 minutes, and J about 40 minutes.

3:00- One of my friends showed us his stereo system, daammn, blew us away. He turned on just the right songs for the situation. I fell into a state of ecstacy. I kept bouncing to the beat, I couldn't stand still without sort of dancing. E was at the same level and we were having the time of our lives.

I remember I threw myself on a bed, and E followed me and did the same. I doubt it means we are gay or anything, but just playful because we were basically in ecstacy. So anyways, on the bed we were like playing with each other, not intimately, just like wrestling in probably the pansiest looking way, and giggling uncontrollably in the process.

4:30- Start gettin up to peak, the happiness slightly went away, but I wasn't depressed or anything. Anyways, around here is when my sober friends, myself, and J decided to spark up the bud. Spliced up a nice dime-sized blunt, and lit it up. It came around to me and I hit it twice, then passed it, I started coughing uncontrollably because I already had the worst cottonmouth, and the smoke just tickled the hell outta my throat.

From here on, I start getting deep, philosophically and all. I ponder what life is, and although I can't describe it or quite remember it 100%, I think a sane person could understand it, but would never believe it. I kind of am free, and try to go against the norm and be as abnormal I can be.

5:00- I get home and lie down, I intentionally close my eyes and cover them with my hands for some closed eye visuals time. Lovely little patterns of lights and such. The cottonmouth drives E, D, and I to the kitchen. When I get up I get a small blood rush, I walk to the kitchen feeling pretty rushy, then suddenly I can't take it, it starts going dark and I collapse to the kitchen floor and have what I think is a seizure. My body was shaking uncontrollably and it was sort of like a flash, then I got myself up. My friends response was, 'What the fuck?' but they didn't call the ER or anything, which I am glad they didn't do. I can tell from this collapse sign that my body is screaming for rest, so that's exactly what I do. I lie down for about 1-2 hours with eyes open for some of it, and closed for others. Just talking with my friends and tripping out.

14:00- Wake up, feel like ass, still kinda buzzed, cottonmouth blows.

15:30- Get up to get some food and liquids. I go to the kitchen, pour some water, and notice I am blood rushing like a bitch. It is very very intense. I have had only 1 similar rush in my life. I start freezing up, everything turns black, my hearing turns off, and I feel myself drop on the floor and start sort of pushing myself in a circle with my feet with no control. I am shaking a little bit. I hear one of my friends say my name in a 'What's going on' manner. I get some help up, but I got up on my own for the most part, I am a few steps from the couch so I get there as fast as I can and lie down. From here I knew I better not stand up again, unless I want to go through that again. So I just lie down and chill with my friends again.

16:30- Time to test my walking ability again. I get into a sitting position, I can feel a small blood rush, which is what I want. I wanna even the blood out through my body. About 20 minutes after this I stand up for about 1 minute, no rush. I go to the kitchen to finally get some food and drink. After munching for a bit, I head out to my room and go to my bed, and fall asleep.

26:00- I wake up again, feel pretty shitty. My parents comment on how wasted I look. From here on I just do the usual on the computer, check in on the games I play, email, etc. I have the most intoxicated feeling ever, and it just doesn't go away. Got some pizza, liquids, took a Daily Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. For some reason my left leg (thigh area) has been twitching since I woke up again. I want to go to sleep again, but I have slept so much and my parents think I just smoked weed and thats it, so I don't want to look too fucked up.

Since I am writing this report at about 28:00, I would like to comment that Nutmeg has just beat the shit out of me. I loved the effects at peak, but the next day on Nutmeg has to be the worst time of my life. I am in a way, paralyzed. Also, I remember that up until almost 3 hours after we took the nutmeg, we all felt sort of like we had the flu and wanted to throw up. After the 3 hours we felt pretty good. I think Nutmeg has hit me hard enough, that I am just going to stick to drinking alcohol, other shit is just making me go insane. I now know why people say don't waste your time trying to figure out what life is.

I am glad I only bought 4 ounces of Nutmeg instead of a full pound, because I won't be doing it again. If there were no side-effects (the blood rushes with the seizures, day after shittiness, cottonmouth like hell, etc.), and it stayed at peak for the entire course, then I would probably do it again. The ecstacy like stage was unbelievably fun.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 22, 2007Views: 37,598
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Nutmeg (41) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46)

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