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Hello Heaven, Thy Blue Abyss
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Anthony Pryor. "Hello Heaven, Thy Blue Abyss: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp42639)". Aug 22, 2007.

160 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I have done a few psychedelics within my 16 years of living, enough that I would be intermediate with experience and knowledge, but responsible. I am also without a fried brain as a souvenir. I take dexedrine as medication, but I find it has little extra effect on most trips I take. I am a very happy person, for I am comfortable with my being, and also meditate regularly, entering a conscience state of spirtuality which many know not of.

So moving on, I recently had the privledge of being introduced to morning glory seeds, after some research and insight into them. My friend, we'll call him Jim, and I decided to try them, so one day our adventure began with a kilometre hike to a garden centre that we were sure would have them. Upon arriving, we found the heavenly blue variety, and noting that the seeds had not been treated (by inspection of the package), we made our $12.00Cdn purchase of 8 packets. There was no hassle, I suppose that stores don't know enough about morning glory being a psychedelic, and/or they were just happy for our purchase.

Outside we downed the first packet with relative ease. As some have said the taste is horrible, we didn't find it that bad. It wasn't the most pleasant thing, but if I don't think about it the small seeds don't affect my taste buds too much. After chewing the seeds into a very fine mush/sludge and swallowing the first pack, we made our way to a coffe shop for a glass of water.

Once we had the water and ate the second pack, the third pack seemed a little iffy to take, although we managed it (still chewing intensely) nicely with the water. A small walk and just a few minutes later we stopped to finish off the last pack. This is the only pack that I gagged on.

Some 2 hours after having ate our first pack, and about an hour after our last, Jim and I were in my room, coming into the trip and experiencing a bit of the expected nausea. We both felt lazy and tired, without any other effects, and we were a little disappointed of having spent money on something that didn't seem to work. To combat the nausea, we nibbled on salted soda crackers, maybe salted not being the best choice for nausea, but they tasted pretty good, and layed down for a bit. About 15 minutes later, the nausea seemed almost completely gone, and we were called down for supper.

After eating supper, which I didn't have much of, we sat back up in my room. This is where the trip really started to get underway, about 2 and a half hours after ingestion of our first pack. I grabbed two pillows for me and Jim to sit on, and put them on the floor. Putting on The Doors, I told Jim to close his eyes, and to listen to my voice. I had just really started getting into spirituality, and I wanted to show him a brand new world.

Enchanted by The Doors and their beautiful sound, I started talking to Jim in a hypnotic tone. I could see him falling into my voice, and still talking, it soon became apparent that through some spiritual connection I could totally read his mind, and vice versa. This may seem strange, and it is, but I don't mean it as in I knew what he would say next. I mean it as in our souls had formed to create one; unity. It was absolutely amazing. Unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Our sense of time had become void, and we felt as if our minds had become perfectly cleansed, the type of nirvana that the great Buddha may once have conquered. I can't further explain this, for, to my dismay, words of the english language just don't come close to doing justice for the realm we had entered.

A while later, I'm unaware how long, for as I said, our sense of time was void, a few hours at least, my mom drove Jim back to his house. I went with them, and the drive there felt so amazing, for I have never felt as much myself as I did then. Everything seemed so in its place, and everything was at peace in the world. During the drive back home, I had a very wonderful conversation with my mom, something that hadn't happened for awhile on account of recent events.

We stopped in at a grocery store, and I was asked to get some ginger ale because my mom didn't feel good. Inside the grocery store, I watched as people did their thing. I felt like I was apart of everyone, but yet my own self at the same time. Everyone has their own personality: such as you, I, Jim, or my mom. In the grocery store it felt like I could finally be a witness of everyone else's full personality. It felt amazing.

After we got home, my mom and I continued our many conversations until the end of the night. As with what Jim and I had experienced, I had began to completely understand my mom's opinion. I had the ability to see things from her point of view. I believe this ability is something very capable of solving any type of conflict, should we as humans choose to accept it. I explained to my mom what I took, and although she isn't crazy about me doing drugs, she thought it was really cool. She appreciated the level of spirituality I was on.

With much gratitude, I reach the conclusion of my story. Jim and I had around 160 seeds each of Heavenly Blue morning glories. My trip lasted approximately 6-7 hours. It is something I would recommend trying, but with some knowledge of the drug and with an open-mind before trying.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42639
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 22, 2007Views: 6,920
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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