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A High School High
Citation:   Fanelli. "A High School High: An Experience with GHB (exp42780)". Dec 23, 2005.

T+ 0:00
3.0 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 2.0 g oral GHB (liquid)
This story is to serve as an example of what NOT to do, especially with such a sensitive drug as GHB. Things could have easily turned out very badly. We were lucky, but I think it shows that a little humility is needed when dealing with drugs. No matter how strong and how much tolerance you think you have, take it easy, and never think you are unique in your ability to metabolize a drug... you're not.

It started in the late spring of 2001, my junior year of high school... I did something stupid. I had ordered GBL off the internet and using some glassware my friend lent me, and a free house, I cooked up 2 liters of GHB at 200 grams per liter. I felt like a king. The next evening, I think a Friday, I decided to bring it with me when I went to hang out at my friend 'Joseph''s house at around 7 or 8 pm. Four friends were there, let's call them 'Danny', 'Rob', 'Joseph' and 'Ishmael' or 'Ish', and we chilled out in Joseph's living room, which was huge. His parents were both professionals who worked long hours, and went to bed at around 9 pm.

After fooling around in typical fashion, listening to music, wrestling, and generally being rowdy, I opened my backpack to unveil my prized possession. Me, Joseph, and Ish had tried it before, and we all started off measuring out about 3 soda bottle caps worth, which was a little over 3 grams of GHB. Rob and Danny took 3 grams also, but it was their first time. Shortly after, Joe, who is was 6'4 and 200 pounds, a high school wrestler and rower, said he should take 2 more because he's so big, so I poured him two more.

We sort of sat there talking for a while, maybe 20 minutes or so. I started feeling a euphoric energy in my chest, and I became quite talkative. My skin felt electric, and I was tingling all over. It had hit me. Ish was also feeling it, and he began getting excited. We were playing Weezer's blue album and I kept repeating 'Say it Ain't So' and 'The Sweater Song'. Joseph was complaining that he didn't feel anything and said he was going to take another capful, obviously upset that me and Ish were enjoying it so much. I told him not to, but he convinced me to let him have another capful.

After another half hour or so I was very relaxed and feeling very playful and energetic. Since Joseph was a wrestler, and Rob had been taking Judo for a few years, we decided to match them up one on one. Joseph of course crushed Rob and those watching cheered. We were obviously being a little two loud and rambunctious since we woke up Joe's mother, even though their apartment was enormous. She told us to quite down, not realizing that the 2-liter soda bottle on the dinner table wasn't filled with water, but an illegal drug.

The strange thing with GHB is that of all the times I've taken it, about half the times, I would get a truly euphoric feeling along with a lot of energy, and the other half of the times I would simply feel relaxed and sleepy. This time was definitely of the former type.

At this point I felt myself coming down. It had been maybe 3 hours since I had taken my dose, so I went to recharge. I can do that with GHB. I took out the bottle and poured myself another 2 caps. Seeing me dosing up, everyone else came over and took some. Joe began to worry me as he decided to take 3 caps, which I told him not to take. He settled on one or two, but then took another one when I wasn't looking. Almost immediately after taking my dose I felt the effects, and the euphoric feeling came back, even stronger than before.

I took out a disposable camera and began to document the night. While I was fiddling with the camera, I saw Danny and Joe pouring two shots of Jack Daniels and downing them. I went over to yell at them, reminding them they can't consume any alcohol. Danny said 'I WANT to die, whatever' and Joe said 'relax, I drink at school all the time, I have a really high tolerance for these things'. We decided to go outside because it was getting late and we were making too much noise. I was in the mood for anything, I would have walked 5 miles being a delinquent all the way, it didn't matter. But Danny was feeling kind of sick, so we were just going to take him for a walk. As we got outside he insisted on sitting on a bench, and told us to give him a minute. But the longer we gave him the less he wanted to move. He seemed to be falling asleep. 'How much did everyone take?' I asked, and the responses were 5 for everyone, and 13 grams for Joseph, who seemed perfectly fine.

Danny lived 2 blocks away so we decided we should take him home and put him to bed... quietly.

We started walking him, but he was tripping over himself and babbling incoherently. We had to carry him across the street and into his building's lobby. The doorman asked what was going on and we said he had too much to drink. We checked him out, counted his heartbeats, his breathing. He seemed fine, but he was out cold. We were getting worried and the doorman advised us that we should call an ambulance. It wasn't worth the risk. I felt reluctant because I knew he would probably wake up in a while, but I decided I had no right to take risks with someone else's life. At this point Rob freaked out and left abrupty. An ambulance was called, and I became very very anxious and nervous, since I had about 100 doses of GHB in my backpack. Before the ambulance arrived, Danny began waking up, I asked him how old he was and he said 15 (he was 17), we gave him some soda to drink and coaxed him up. He suddenly was completely clear-minded and unaffected. It was surreal. However, in the middle of all this, Joe sat down, said he was tired, and vomited everywhere.

The ambulance arrived, they took Dan and Joe in, and we called down Dan's parents. The ambulence ended up driving off to St. Vincent's hospital, and me and Ishmael found ourselves standing there in shock. We walked the 11 or so blocks to the hospital, not knowing what to think. I was still high, but the dopamine rebound was coming on and I started feeling very speedy and anxious, though extremely lucid. It was such a shock since it happened so quickly. When we arrived at the hospital Joseph's mom and Danny's parents were in the waiting room looking very somber. We fabricated a story about how we went to a party and bought the GHB off an anonymous dealer, but she insisted on getting the address. We ended up telling her that we didn't really go to a party but bought it off of a dealer who was with someone we knew from school. When they called the parents into the waiting room, Ish told me that he had also thrown up in the bushes, but that he felt better. At this point I was feeling a general sense of anxiety. Joe's mom came out and said to me 'listen, I want you to tell me the truth about what happened. Joe told me that you're the one that gave it to him, and that you made it and have more at home.'

I went into the ER with her, said 'hi' to the two, who were completely lucid and awake, unimpaired in any way. Had we not gone to the hospital, we would have been fine.

I gave Ish the bottle of GHB and told him to hide it for a few days since my mom would be on my ass when she found out about this.

I walked home feeling burnt but not tired in the least. It was about 3 in the morning. Sure enough, when I got home, my mom was up, and splayed out on her bed was my drug backpack with all my chemistry equipment, beakers, scale, GBL, various ingredients, and so forth. I flushed half a liter of GBL down the toilet, and apologized. I had trouble falling asleep that night, but I finally passed out.

I finished the GHB that Ish held for me over the course of that summer, and didn't have a chance to try it for 2 years after that. I personally think GHB is one of the best drugs around in that it's easy, doesn't impair me very seriously, and is actually healthy in moderation. However, it's not for everyone, specifically, people like Joseph. It's very easy to overdose, though 90% of overdoses aren't dangerous, one can never be sure, and do I really want to gamble with someone else's life?

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 42780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2005Views: 30,582
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GHB (25) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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