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Long Duration Requires Planning
Nutmeg & Kratom
Citation:   Feldwebel Pfeffer. "Long Duration Requires Planning: An Experience with Nutmeg & Kratom (exp43033)". Jul 16, 2005.

T+ 0:00
2 nuts oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:30 1 cup oral Kratom (tea)
  T+ 3:30 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Age: Late twenties

Experience: Very experienced with THC, mushrooms, DXM. Tried lots of other substances

Location: Smallish open air campus concert/party

Set & setting: Mellow. Ready for a trying a new natural drug. Not sure what to expect; net reports range from sickness and horror to mystic experiences. Notably though, most negative reports are with a very high (30g or more) or an unspecified, but possibly quite large dose.

21:30-22:30: Two nutmegs (from local Walmart, total weight ~6g) are grated and consumed. Mixing with a lot of cola yields a consumable, if not exactly tasty drink. Downing the stuff somehow. Go pee. Ok. Kill some time before first effects kick in. Let's define 22:00 as time of ingestion for simplicity's sake. Metabolization of nutmeg is so slow that a half hour offset doesn't make much of a difference anyway.

22:00-0:00 (T+0 to T+2): Smoking some cannabis. High feels a little different than usual - more talkative and quite psychedelic -, but this might easily be placebo. I generally notice that regular use of psychedelics makes me act in a more 'psychedelic' way when sober. I am more aware of my emotions and more keen to make sure my emotional well-being is taken care of. Right now I notice the party we're at is pretty lame - a room full of strangers I have no interest initiating a conversation with. The music's not my taste either. I suggest to my buddies we go home together and do something worthwhile. They prefer to stay, so eventually I just walk home alone.

0:30 (T+2:30): I'm on my walk home as nutmeg begins to take hold. Very similar to onset of a space cake trip. Slowly reality is being transformed into a dreamworld. No actual hallucinations, just a shift in interpretation. I sneak into a few dark backyards and enjoy the goose bumps I get from peeking into the unknown. Speaking of which: At one point, I'm almost getting The Fear. I'm scared because I can't estimate how strong this trip is going to be and if I have the proper strategies to avert a bad trip. Nutmeg is classified as a deliriant at Erowid, so I could be plunging head-first into my first delirium ever.

1:00 (T+3): After I reach home, I calm down considerably. Joining an online chat with good friends.

1:30 (T+3:30): A Kratom tea is consumed. Usually, Kratom gives me a very noticeable kick (a short-lived one though, an unfortunate consequence of tolerance). This time, the kick is not there. Strange. Smoking some cannabis.

2:00 (T+4): Nutmeg is shifting gears. Intense euphoria building up. Every drug produces a different kind of euphoria; this one reminds me of my first space cake trips. Body tingles with a constant flow of pleasure. Sexual fantasies come up naturally. This is when the trip really starts being fun. For hours, I indulge in those fantasies; the aphrodisiac effects of nutmeg and pot (not sure if Kratom made any difference) seem very nicely synergistic.

CEVs are interesting: fairly pale and unobtrusive, but at the same time immensely synaesthetic. Any verbal thought is immediately reflected as a CEV. I'm using this feedback mechanism to practice not to think at all for a while. Minor auditory hallucinations, similar to but stronger than those sometimes encountered shortly before falling asleep.

6:00 (T+8): Pot and Kratom must have worn off by now. Nutmeg still running strong. A little decrease in euphoria, but still very very pleasant. Trying to sleep, to no avail. Noting a single side effect so far: very dry mouth.

13:00 (T+15): I wake up (must have fallen asleep around 7 or 8). Still a pretty stoned feeling; euphoria has mostly worn off though. With two tokes from the pipe, euphoria is back. Hooray.

17:00 (T+19): Some more pot. Going downtown for a shopping tour. Psychedelic effects are gone. I am sedated, but in a very pleasant way. The only other strongly sedating drug I have ever tried is HBWR; because of the sickness that came with most of my HBWR trips, that was a sore, irritated kind of sedation, the 'everybody leave me alone, all I want to do is watch TV' type. Nutmeg sedation is more like 'whatever happens, I'm cool with it.' I didn't particularly try to talk to people, but I appreached and enjoyed every conversation with a stranger that emerged.

20:00 (T+22): Back home. Last traces of nutmeg and pot effects vanish slowly.


Frankly, I am blown away. Nutmeg surpassed my expectations by far. Hours of pumping euphoria, a dreamy, spacy feeling and a nice psychedelic touch to finish it off. By no means should nutmeg be considered a 'loser drug' or an inferior weed substitute. Actually it is maybe closer to weed than any other substance. (For the sake of comparison, I should try it without any pot next time.) I was especially surprised by the complete lack of body load. No nausea, no headache, nothing, neither during come-up nor after the trip. Just pure bliss.

The extremely long trip duration obviously requires a bit more planning than a spontaneous toke from the pipe. I suggest dosing in the morning to avoid an upset sleep schedule. The nice thing about nutmeg is that the second half of the trip (starting around T+12) is mostly unpsychedelic and possibly quite opiate-like (not sure since I have no opiate experience). Complete reclusion is not necessary.

What remains to be done? Find a better method of ingestion. Vinegar-based extraction has been suggested. Maybe there is even a way to get rid of the carcinogenic Safrole in nutmeg. What else? Maybe try a slightly higher dose and look for actual deliriant effects (although today's dose felt just fine). See if euphoria is eventually killed by tolerance (as it is with so many initially promising drugs).

Nutmeg's only real downsides are its possible carcinogenity and the horrible taste. If there's ways to work around these two, I feel that nutmeg could become one of my favorite drugs for spicing up (heh) a weekend.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43033
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2005Views: 19,540
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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