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It Is Addictive
Tramadol (Ultram)
by Esau
Citation:   Esau. "It Is Addictive: An Experience with Tramadol (Ultram) (exp43208)". Jun 25, 2007.

  repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
I began taking Tramadol in October 2003. I started with 3 pills, (150 mg). At this dose, it brings about euphoria. When first starting 4 pills would cause nausea and vomiting. Also, when first starting, sleep was pleasant, or at least laying in bed, in a semi-sleep state was pleasant.

The tolerance to this drug comes about quickly.
The tolerance to this drug comes about quickly.
At the height of my use I could take as many as 30 pills in a day. [Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.] I never did have a seizure, but I consider myself lucky. On a couple of occasions, after taking extremely high doses, I had uncontrollable spasms that lasted slightly more than a day.

The withdrawal symptoms I experienced included marathon sleeping sessions, vivid but pleasant protracted dreams, sweating and extreme fatigue. Nothing would relieve the fatigue but another dose, which clearly indicate physical dependence. The psychological dependence lasts at least 30 days.

2017 Addendum

I stopped Tramadol in 2013. Ten years. The previously reported dose of up to 30 pills a day was not an error. Never 30 at once. As many as 17 at once, and 12 or more many times. 50 mg. dosage. Far beyond seizure levels. I never had a grand mal seizure but did have many episodes of hypnogogic jerks, that probably were petit mal seizures. I was fortunate and lucky. I never overdosed and my progression to heavy doses was gradual. I began with 3- 50 mg tablets, which brought on good effects of low dose Percocet. 200 mg. caused vomiting. After 6 months I was taking 450 mg (nine pills) at a time.

I was ordering off the internet or going to pharmacies in Mexico. My stable dose for years was 18- 50 mg pills per day. A bottle containing 180 pills would last about ten days. Throughout the entire time I was employed. By 2006 or ’07 I was no longer feeling any effects whatsoever and only used to stave off withdrawal.

It would start with yawning. Profuse sweating was next with severe hot flashes. The pins and needles anxiety was the worst part. It’s been years, so I forgot about the absolute drag-ass lethargy…legs so heavy I couldn't walk…but due to the system overload anxiety I couldn't sit still. Meanwhile my mind is racing the entire time. One pill away.

By 2013 I was down to 3 pills per day. I had previously reached that low several times
By 2013 I was down to 3 pills per day. I had previously reached that low several times
only to rebound to 15 a day within a week. I didn’t drink with Tramadol. I have, and three pills made me fall asleep. At the amount I was taking it would’ve been suicidal. I drove 600 miles for a funeral and arrived with no Tramadol. I had a momentary panic but bought some antihistamine for the runny nose, and some NyQuil to go to sleep. I mixed that with cannabis and had a wonderful journey.

I was prescribed Tramadol last year. 30 pills. I took two. I took three. I was as addicted in use as when I stopped. Fortunately the bottle ran out. If I had one in front of me I would swallow it and I’ll never be free from addiction. That said, I’ve been down that road and have no desire to cop.

A big part of addiction is ritualistic behavior and procuring is the reward. It’s expensive, time consuming and an unwanted chore that I spent ten years of involvement.

Exp Year: 2003-2016ExpID: 43208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 6,113
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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