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Not What I Expected in the Least
Citation:   Funny duck. "Not What I Expected in the Least: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp43248)". Apr 11, 2007.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 40 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
I'd been told that hydrocodone was fun to take because it gave you a nice, loose feeling that typically lasted a pretty good amout of time. So, when my friend was perscribed a 2 bottles of 60 pills each I decided that I should ask for a few. I was visited my friend and I asked If I could have one and he agreed. I took the first one without much effect after about 30 min. I then took 2 more and began, almost intstantly to feel some results.

For about the first 5-10 min. I felt giddy, looser, and everything sounded somewhat muffled. Soon after that I started to become quite dizzy so I layed down. The lights were bothering me so we turned them off and the my nausea set in. I got very hot and my face was very, very clammy. I was so hot and disoriented that I turned up the air conditioning to about 60-55 degrees and layed on the floor with my face positioned directly over the air vent. I found that helped my nausea some. It had been 1-2 hours after original dosage and I became very tired. My friend had been watching all of this and so he of course tried to keep me awake because we both knew that if I was to sleep that there was chance of me going into a comotose state.

I couldn't walk so he helped my outside thinking that if I had a cigarette that it might wake me up some. DO NOT think that! Two hits of the cigarette and I instantly started to dry heave intensively. I hadn't had anything to eat all day so I was wretching stomach acid. It was horrible! After throwing up the symptoms became to fade somewhat. After about another hour they were mostly gone so I decided to have another cigarette, of course that was a dumb move. All the symptoms came back and that lasted about half an hour.

After that experience I don't want to ever dabble with perscription that I don't know the effects of yet. I guess I learned my lesson.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43248
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2007Views: 38,707
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