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The Sock Rocker
Citation:   Day Tripper. "The Sock Rocker: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp43390)". Apr 11, 2021.

3 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
I had tried Clonazepam(aka Klonipin) two or three times before this time, as I have a prescription for it. The effects I got from it were great, as even a dose of half a mg would yield a hybrid high that is a cross between being drunk and being stoned. It's very pleasant, mellow high, and leaves me very relaxed. It's quite the sleep inducer, also.

Well, at the time of this particular trip, it had been at least 6 months since I had last taken Klonipin. A friend mine began discussing a bunch of differing benzos, and mentioned Klonipin. I told him that I had a prescription, at which point he told me that he'd pay me ten dollars for 3 of the pills.

Being one who loves to make easy money(and who doesn't) I immediately went home and stole 6 1mg pills from the cabinet in which all my familie's precriptions are stored.

The next day in school, I gave him the pills, he gave me the cash. The thing is, he's one of those 'throw caution to the wind' kind of people, who are always doing stupid things but always come out unscathed. He downed all three (3mg) of the Klonipin I gave him. Bowing to a moment of stupidity, I too dropped three Klonipin.

we took the pills mid lunch, and at the end of lunch it started to hit. A great deal of feeling at ease, and mild euphoria.

We went our seperate ways, me to my class, he to his. When I got into class, one girl in my class immediately knew what was up, as she is well versed in narcotics. Throughout the class, I remember staggering a great deal, laughing a great deal, and falling out of my desk multiple times.

The thing is, Klonipin in high doses causes m3 to forget alot of stuff that happens when I'm on it. As soon as it wore off, I had forgotten the large majority of what had happened in class. I forget what homework was assigned that class period, and even that we had had a pop test that played a major role in my grade(got an A though, not sure how).

So, in conclusion, while Klonpin is fun, when I don't have important things to do. I think the fact that Klonipin causes one to forget so much about the experience on it is the reason for the lack of trip reports online.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43390
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2021Views: 960
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), School (35)

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