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Not Good Not Bad
Herbal Ecstasy
by Ryan
Citation:   Ryan. "Not Good Not Bad: An Experience with Herbal Ecstasy (exp43391)". Jan 6, 2007.

5 tablets oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
I'm only 13. Just clearing that up one night me and my freind troy bought some herbal xtc I did'ent think it would work so I popped 5 my friend did 2.

30 min smoked a boul have a slight buzz similar to about 3 cups of coffee.

1.00 very talkitive finding it hard to stay still just want to talk alot me and my friend took a walk to the store and bought some gum and a soda.

1.30 very mild closed eye visals mind felling very spacy then a extreme wave of happyness hit me for about 30 sec.

2.00 wearing off still feal spacy.

3.00 left with a mild headace.

This was a pretty good buzz for 15.00 but if your looking for a real trip stick with the real deal like I do now.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43391
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 6, 2007Views: 17,114
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