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Vivid, Intense, Spiritual Dreaming
Melatonin & Vitamin B-6
Citation:   krank. "Vivid, Intense, Spiritual Dreaming: An Experience with Melatonin & Vitamin B-6 (exp43419)". Aug 12, 2005.

300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  900 mg oral Vitamin B-6  
  15 mg oral Melatonin  
Here's an interesting proposition: We spend 1/3 to 1/4 of our lives asleep, why not make the most of it?

First off, I'm very familiar with the effects of broad range substances, and much of my life has been spent 'experimenting' with what they are capable of. Dreaming has always interested me because I feel that it is one connection to the metaphysical world that we all share, whether we have dabbled in psychoactive substances or not. So even a grandmother or preacher could relate to many aspects of the 'dream world' having never touched a drug in their entire life.

Before I go on it is very important to note the types of dreams I had before taking any supplements or substances. All my dreams were in color and whenever I woke up I remembered little of what my dreams were about. What they are about quickly slips away unless I really make a point of remembering them, even though they are often very stressful and in the past this has been somewhat of a hinderance to getting a good night's sleep. I thought if I could control my dreams they wouldn't be stressful. I had been able have a lucid dream where I was completely aware I was sleeping and took complete control over my actions two previous times in my life, but this was after 2 weeks of late night meditation which I found to not be worth the hassle. Also I had tried to have the waking dreams one is supposed to encounter on high doses of opiates before nodding off. And even though I have a very deep 'appreciation' and background with opiates, they never allowed me to accomplish this.

So anyway, I first began with very low doses of melatonin and B-6 as a potential cure for my stressful dreams. I had read that the combination of the substances could give me more control over what my mind focuses on while I'm asleep and that they could make them more vivid, so I set off on a number of experiments keeping in mind that I also take 300mg Zyban SR every day to help me quit smoking that might affect my results...

The 3mg melatonin pills I had did nothing by themselves over the course of a week, and likewise the 100mg pills of B-6 that I ingested every night the following week left me with nothing to report. This is when i decided i would go ahead and start upping the dose and mixing them together. Next I tried 400mg B-6 and 6 mg melatonin over the course of the 3rd week. I did notice a difference in that i didn't have any of the stress I usually encountered while asleep. This was my original goal that I had set out to accomplish, but I wanted to see just what these two chemicals were capable of.

The fourth week consisted of varying high doses of both supplements until I found one that truly began to make a profound impact on my dreams. The following is the first dream I remembered of the dose that I have finally found to be the best for my body chemistry and personal needs. I took 900mg of B-6 and 15 mg of melatonin 30 minutes before bed and awake the next morning with this memory of my dream...

I was sitting in a chair near a carwash that is located behind a convenient store in my neighborhood not too far away from my condo. Though this was a strange place for me to be, I felt almost euphoric and at ease just sitting in the chair talking with friends and smoking (weed or menthols, I have no idea since it wasn't my focus). Usually this would be a ridiculous spot for such an activity but at this point my main focus was on the beauty of my normally dull surroundings. Everything had a certain glow to it, similar to looking at the world while on MDMA but very unique in its own special undescribable way. After being in this setting for a while I was certain that it wasn't real because of the location of me and my friend's activities, but I wasn't in any real control of what was going on. This is when the dream started to get a bit weird, but keep in mind that during this entire dream I was still in ecstatic awe of the beauty of everything I could see.

I live one mile away from an airbase so I see planes in the sky almost every day, mostly C-130s which are just ordinary military cargo planes. Anyway, while sitting in my chair a C-130 comes from behind the carwash at great speed but then quickly slows to a complete stop and begins to turn 180 degrees to face the direction that it came from. Numerous futuristic weapons were completely covering the plane and I can still remeber every detail and how big they were compared to the size of the plane. In reality, a plane with so many weapons, guns and missiles attached to it couldn't fly, especially a C-130 which doesn't carry any weapons unless they are cargo. One gigantic black weapon with a huge barrels stuck out because of its ridiculous size. After coming to a complete stop I sensed some sort of danger comong from the direction this plane had come from. A few seconds later it fired a blast of 'energy' from the gigantic black weapon which quickly began to dissolve reality in giant ripples which came from the same direction the plane had come from. Usually this would have been very scary for me to witness in a dream, but this time I was at peace and watched the unfolding of the fabric of reailty caused by this weapon. Eventually I was left in a black void where suddenly I began to feel completely free, enlightened, and as if my body was pure energy exisitng in a void. This was when I abruptly woke up and realized that I must have found the correct dose.

I repeated the dose of melatonin and B-6 over the course of week number 5 of experiments and got extremely enlightening spiritualistic dreams involving very vivid and realistic situations every single time. One extremely interesting fact is that most of the details of the dreams are completely accurate to some part of my reality, but then there is always a strange anomaly thrown into the mix which causes the almost spiritual experience or insight. Keep in mind I have repeated this many times and have always had these same strange yet very welcome results. Also, instead of waking up tired, I now wake up refreshed and happy instead of not wanting to get out of bed like I used to do. I'll continue to use this dose and maybe try to find other effective doses that will help me dive deeper into my understanding of my own dreams and self.

Once again, we spend 1/3 to 1/4 of our lives asleep, make the most of it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43419
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 12, 2005Views: 40,951
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Melatonin (94), Vitamin B-6 (160), Dreams (85) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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