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The Mind of a Child
Citation:   Apollo. "The Mind of a Child: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp43502)". May 14, 2019.

1 cap oral Mushrooms (dried)
One Friday night, I was with my friend TK and E. I had just bought two caps of chocolate covered mushrooms from a friend of mine. One cap for me, and the other for TK. E was baby sitting

Me and TK went over to E's house. We stayed in the family room, and around 11:30 PM me and TK ate the mushrooms. They tasted great! Chocolate covered mushrooms are the way to go. Anyway we started playing video games to pass the time. Around 12, my body starts feeling twichy and waves feel like they are going up my body. A basic weed body high feeling for me. Then I enter my new world. What happened was I looked across the room at a vase full of flowers, and the flowers moved slowly back and forth, like there was a gentle breeze, but there was no breeze. I looked over to TK who was twitching a bit and said 'Hey, do those flowers look like they are moving to you?' He looked over at them and said 'Ohhh man' then he went completely crazy, the high hit him like a ton of bricks. He claimed his brain would twitch, which caused his entire body to jerk around, and he laughed uncontrollably.

I was half in mushroom world and half in the real world. I would twitch and laugh uncontrollably, but I could settle myself if I needed to. It was around 12:30 now, and a little after then I felt the full effects.

Me and TK would get up walk around, and then fall over, it felt like our muscles would just give up on us. It was fun, everything was incredibly entertaining, and we were completely care free. We made up our own games, such as switching a light switch on and off very fast, or turning the tap water on and off while trying to catch it in our hands. To me this care free playfullness was truly the mind of a child. We even giggled and laughed like children.

Around 2:00 we were becoming our own selves again, but we were agitated. I don't know why TK was but I was because I missed feeling like a child, and being care free. Also we both got terrible stomache cramps. Overrall though, the trip was amazing, and I will deffinatly do it again, and I am happy to know that somewhere inside my mind, there is still that care free happiness of a child.


Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43502
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2019Views: 716
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