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A Mix of Feelings and Emotions
Alcohol - Hard
by Phil
Citation:   Phil. "A Mix of Feelings and Emotions: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp43582)". Jan 14, 2022.

2 tablets oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  7 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  6 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  7 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Now I drink a bit , not alot but once in a while I'll part. The exprience I had with some rum and coke was rather well. It all started at my friends girlfriends house. She fed me about 7 shot's and I got a buzz , then I decided to add some Coke Cola to the mix. At this point after the first cup (Around 6 shots included) I was drunk. Then I had another cup full around 7 more shots. I decided to let my friend drive. At this point I 'zoned' out. I recently fell in love with a very special female to me so it was going to be a perfect drunkness. I ate 2 oxycontin's early (about 5 hours early) so I wasn't feeling that anymore. It felt as if life was perfect. I felt as if the world stood still just for me. The drunkness of my state made me call my girlfriend and profess my life for her deeper then I ever imagined. It was literally perfect. The Rum made my mind feel in a state of calm and coolness. Now not everyone feel's the same type of drunkness. But I must admit out of all the time's I've been drunk this one was special. This one made me feel important and satisfied after losing my brother a few months back. I ended up not getting sick but purging because of myself. I realized I would have to go home soon so I did what an idiot would do to stay out of trouble (Since I'm underage) I threw up using my own two fingers. After about 9 times of throwing up I realized I was still drunk arrived at home and talked to my mother which didn't say much but I sense she realized my drunken state. But what happened was more amazing. My girlfriend called and made me feel much better. So my lesson to all is that drinking or not drinking , love make's it all worth while. I was as lonely as anyone until I met her.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43582
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2022Views: 644
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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