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They Are Bringing a Helicoptor and I'm Gonna Be on CNN
Mushrooms, Alcohol, Cannabis & Lorazepam
Citation:   Israfel. "They Are Bringing a Helicoptor and I'm Gonna Be on CNN: An Experience with Mushrooms, Alcohol, Cannabis & Lorazepam (exp43657)". May 27, 2007.

14 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  6.0 g oral Mushrooms (plant material)
  3 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    IV Pharms - Lorazepam (liquid)
I’m 21, male, 6'4' 205 pounds Live in A Small City, Ontario Canada.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and anything can be a way to learn something that you need to remember. For me, my mushroom trip was the most alive I’ve ever been, and I think that is why my soul guided me to experience this. But, I have moved on, and I don’t need any thing like this again to be absolutely fulfilled and happy in every way. It is me that the drug affected, and there are more ways than one to reach that special place inside all love, nirvana.

This is a long story but it’s a great one.


I woke up one morning this spring and decided to party. My buddy had just got a huge paycheck, and we were going to live large. It was so nice outside, one of the first days you could wear a t-shirt. After cashing the check we bought a 26 ounce bottle of bacardi, some gourmet sandwiches and proceeded to get drunk at breakfast. We finished the rum, I called in sick to my night shift and we ordered a 24 of bud. High quality dope was smoked all day.

Chilling on the front lawn, a bunch of friends ended up at our place. One guy sold us an ounce of the nicest mushrooms I’d ever seen. I washed down a few grams with some beer and we were having a great time. I was clearly going to have a good time and get laid by a nice girl. I took some more mushrooms. This is nothing new. I guess it was about 5-7 grams I took, but I’ll never know.

I remember everything clearly, no morphing of images, no hallucinations, just advanced sensitive perception and a feeling of deranged euphoria. While tuning my guitar, I became acutely aware of my brain emitting some very weird vibrations. All of the sudden I felt very afraid. I had a feeling like something of great importance and energy was happening. I saw a lot of blue energy and realized there were aliens coming into the energy. I said aloud to my friends “OK guys, My alien friends are going to take us on their spaceship for a visit.” I actually felt like I was moving into another dimension.

Just as swift as they had come they dropped me super hard and I realized what was happening. I WAS HAVING A BAD TRIP!!! I do believe they were beings from another dimension there giving me a message about what I was experiencing. I kept saying “everything is in deja vu” over and over again. Everyone starting freaking out and I think I said something like “the aliens” can't do it anymore, I'm too fucked up” “I'm never doing drugs again.”

At this point I couldn’t take it. I walked straight out of the house and immediately starting crying. The crying lasting for a long time. I just kept walking around. I couldn’t believe how horrible it all felt, but looking back on it now, everything was very clear, no hallucinations just feeling very horrible. The world seemed very different, like I was seeing more and more of the real world, and it was looking pretty dismal. I started to feel very bad about the poor people starving to death, and how much worse their “trip” was. I saw that I was going to give my life to GOD and just give up my whole lifestyle of drugs. I went back into the house and told my buddy I was never doing drugs again. I left the house and started walking towards the sun. The sun seemed to draw me in. I seemed to be possessed by the spirit of the LORD. I was just in tune with everything. I sound like I'm religious but really I just want to be in tune with the universe.

I walked for a long time, just walking towards the sun. It was getting near dusk, but still fully visible. I cried a lot, and I wasn’t thinking much, I was just fucked. I felt that everything in the world was aware of me, and I of it. Actually the things that were the least aware of me were the other people. Every noise and every movement seemed to be in complete harmony, and I was actually starting to have the greatest high of my entire life. I have been in alcohol euphoria, I have binged to my every fancy. I have done coke and crack, salvia divinorum, mushrooms (one other bad trip) painkillers and the like, not E, not Datura or DMT though. This was THE HIGHEST I HAVE EVER BEEN!!! I felt if I was any higher I would just die and go to heaven.

After awhile, when the sun started to go away, was when I started to get the heart pain and anxiety. The girl I was with had a similar trip on a smaller scale and she followed me for awhile but I never saw her and she went another way. She said I looked like God, walking into the sun, long hair blowing behind. My heart was really freaking me out, and I didn’t know what to do. This is horrible but funny. I think that it was somehow my destiny to experience this, because it was positive in many ways and put me in touch with a higher truth, but I definitely will not do anything like this again.

I decided the best thing to do was go to the hospital. I turned on my heel and walked the other way, singing loud and proud not caring who saw or heard me. I think that hospitals should be better equipped to deal with my kind of case, and they could have been more helpful, but ultimately it was a great idea in the end.

I walked in and told them what happened. I ask for a room where I could be alone, but they brought me in the huge area with only sheets for walls and people can hear everything. They put some diodes on my chest, my heart was obviously not doing something right. I started asking for a guitar?! And I told them I loved Johnny Cash and I wanted to play johnny cash songs. I wanted to help people. I got philosophical, spiritual and religious with them. I told them that everything was ok, and that everything would be fine I just needed them to help calm me down.

It started out good but they couldn’t calm me down and I kind of lost it. I wanted a helicopter and I wanted to talk to Larry King. Those poor people that were trying to help me. I freaked out, too many people (like 8 nurses and doctors it seemed) and all the patients around were talking about me and I could hear them clearly. I thought I heard someone call me a jerk, and that made me feel bad because I loved everybody, even though I knew I might have just misheard. I just wanted my own room and people who loved me to take care of me. If they had of been more accommodating I would have been fine, they should have put me in the room and just made me feel comfortable, put on some Mozart, or maybe I shouldn’t have gone to the hospital, but actually I felt like god was guiding me there because of what happened later. From this point on the whole spiritual happy thing went out the window and I became a psycho.

So I just disconnected the machine, walked out of the hospital, and started running. This male nurse came after me but I was running way too fast, he called my name and I just said “come on I'm going to play some guitar!!!” I ran all the way back to my buddy’s. I guess I almost got hit by some cars on the way to and from the hospital (according to several horrified witnesses). By the way, and also I was singing and telling everyone I saw that I loved them. Hahahaha But I remember I was yelling to the sky and the whole world how I felt about everything in my life. “I tried to have a good time but you sucked and then I tried to have a good time but you sucked and then I tried to have a good time but you sucked, ARRGGHH!!!!” I did feel more free and liberated than I ever can remember, but I realize I don’t need drugs to feel so good. :D

So imagine my buddy is laying down (hes got a bad back) all alone in the quiet because everybody left. Just tripping hard like me, and I ran in the house and said, “THEY ARE BRINGING A HELICOPTER AND IM GONNA BE ON CNN!!!!!!” I was wearing no shirt with diodes all over my chest.

I don’t remember the next several minutes just flashes. I remember grabbing my guitar, walking out to the street, kicking off my shoes, sitting on the curb and breaking into Folsom Prison Blues at the top of my lungs. Apparently I yelled things to people about johnny cash. The cops came and I laid down in the middle of the street because I thought they would hurt me. Apparently I hit the cop with my guitar when he forced it away. Apparently there were 7 cruisers and 2 ambulances.

I started crying and telling the cops about how I lived in kenya in a past life but then I died and my poor little girl is STARVING TO DEATH RIGHT NOW. I don’t know where that was coming from, but I was absolutely hysterical about it. This time they gave me my own room in the hospital. Hands cuffed behind the back. My cock was hanging out (don’t wear underwear) and they wouldnt do up my pants. I remember getting in this huge cops face and saying, “What?!? Do you like looking at my cock? Are you gay? I kept telling them they sucked, that they were losers, and that I loved them. That one cop reminded me of Johnny Cash. They just ignored me although johnny seemed to think this was funny.

After what seemed forever, they brought in a special bed that they forced me onto, and than strapped me onto. This nurse came in a needle. 8 people I think held me down and then they shot me full of ativan and another drug called hell-something. I thought great, it starts with the world hell, and I feel like I’m in hell. I told them I was going to sue them all for assaulting me, I don’t want you to treat me like this! When they made me lie down I fought really hard because it made me dizzy but I had to endure and they wouldn’t listen to me, I told them NO DRUGS!!! NO NEEDLES I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I cursed them all as they closed the door with the plastic bubble window. And then I passed out.

Waking up I felt very weak, I yelled for some to come talk to me. They had two security guards. I was strapped down for fuck’s sakes! They agreed to take one of the straps off so I could sleep on my side. Thank god a) my parents came and signed me out, saving me from the psyche ward b) my dad is an alcoholic and everyone understood what was happening and they made it easy on me. They brought me a sandwich. Holy Shit I felt kind of normal. Kind of. This is two months ago, and I am still not fully recovered, but I was in a drug haze for a long time. I have a lot of hope for a great and normal healthy life with no drugs or alcohol.

They told me my heart was beating 3 times as fast as is normal and that was why they shot me up with so much tranquilizers. I could have had a heart attack. I thought I was dying but they said I wasn’t so I thought, OK Good!.

My parents took me home and I was just a wreck. Anyway, the next day I walked to my friends house. He wasn’t home. I got a beer out of the fridge. I sat down and drank it. Fuck I enjoyed that beer. But that was it and I haven’t drank since. It was my thank you for all the good times I had with beer, and an acknowledgment for a brighter future. I have been in AA for two months. It’s an addictions program but basically is a society of loving and open people that are very helpful and courageous. I could have been sober without AA, but I did it basically because of a) my need to understand and reinforce information about being addicted to getting high b) my father, and c) because I was alone with my needing to be sober so I met a lot of cool, really awesome people that helped me out :D

I am not against having a good time. But I am against drinking to excess on a regular basis, using drugs unless you are a complete expert on their effects, or treating people like shit because they have an alcohol/drug problem. I don’t recommend using any kind of drugs. If you want a trip, go out there and try and be as healthy as possible, do every kind of body cleanse yoga trip health trip that feels good and do things that make yourself and other people happy. That will make you feel very euphoric, and that is the most effective way of being sure that you will not have a bad trip. LOL

If you do decide to use drugs, I hope that you have a great trip and that you are really smart about how much and when and with who.


Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43657
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 27, 2007Views: 26,583
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