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Kissing... The Best Feeling Ever
Nitrous Oxide
by NOS
Citation:   NOS. "Kissing... The Best Feeling Ever: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp43790)". Jan 13, 2007.

12 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
It was the start of 2005 and I thought it was about time that I tried NOS myself. I went down to the local shop that sold party pills and mind altering things and my bf brought a packet of NOS because you needed to be 18. We decided to drive up the hills to a good place where we could see the view of the city. As we got up there we layed back in our seat and turned on our AFI cd. As my bf put some nos into a ballon via a cracker he handed it to me. Not having tried this before I just took the whole lot in at the same time.

First thing I felt was that my mouth went numb and tingling which felt so good. I wanted to try it again. After doing that for the next 5 canisters I decided that I would take into account what some one said to me and that I should exhale and inhale gettign a mixture of nos and oxygen to make the experience more worth while. So I did this. God did it feel so good! My bf rubbed his hands down my back all I could feel was his hands brushing down my back and god it felt so good!

A couple of weeks later we both decided again to buy some nos but this time the experience was much more extreme. After we got back to my house we both lay on my bed and turned on my korn cd. I was wanting so much to try it again but try some different techniques. I grabbed the cracker and filled up the balloon with nos and changed the song to 'blind - korn'. I sat on the edge of the bed with my bf holding me around my sides. I decided to exhale all my air first before inhaling the nos. I did so until I ran out of air. I inhaled and exhaled throught the balloon. I felt the effects coming on early in my inhalationg. I lay back on my bed and wrapped my hands around my bf. He lent down and kissed my lips. This would have to be the most memorable kiss ever.

The music that I was hearing slowed down and I begain to kiss him. My lips went numb and my body felt like it didn't exist. All I could feel was my lips and his, my body went numb. I felt like I was literally kissing the beat of the music. I had never felt anything so good before. The best way to explain it is an orgasm minus the sex it was just so good. It felt like we were kissing for hours but it was only about 30 seconds. I told him of my experince so he thought it was his turn to try so he got his balloon and did exactly what I did. But this time I kissed him and I could feel he was enjoying it just as much as I was. I felt like part of him, its such a nice experience but so hard to explain exactly what you feel. Over the next hour we finished off the 24 pack and by then the effects seem to last longer and the nos was still in our system. That night I had the best sleep ever and was even more keen to try it out again.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43790
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2007Views: 22,029
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