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Entities of Ambience
Citation:   Daytripper. "Entities of Ambience: An Experience with LSD (exp4388)". Feb 4, 2001.

4 hits oral LSD (liquid)
to begin, i am a very experienced user of acid. i recreationally use lsd to explore other dimensions and secluded mindsets which i believe the brain hides because mankind isn't civilized enough to comprehend these thoughts and feelings. i dosed at approximately 11 am. at approximately 11:45 i began to feel the rising effects, slight disembodiment, confusion, trails, bright colors, etc. i had a sitter, also a very experienced tripper, and he was only baked. to make a very long and sensual trip into a beautiful universe short, the most vivid memory of the trip was the first valley after a frenzy. i looked at my hand because i was instructed to do so by a very bright, ambient color changing figure i later found to be my lava lamp, but as i opened my hand i felt a rush of perfection and i still to this day believe that what i felt and saw in my hand, was the entire universe expanding and showing me its secrets. each time i try to describe what i felt at that moment i almost cry. it is to this day the most beautiful thing i have ever felt.

please know yourself enough to handle the drugs you choose.

thanks for listening.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2001Views: 12,445
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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