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Expanding other Sacred Plants
Syrian Rue
by Babz
Citation:   Babz. "Expanding other Sacred Plants: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp43955)". Feb 25, 2009.

0.25 tsp oral Syrian Rue
I first experienced Rue while ingesting shrooms on a spiritual retreat in Hawaii. It felt as though I was communing with the earth and the spirit of the shroom. When I ingested the rue there was an immediate shift -- a sense that the spirit of the rue is much more-- much more than the shrooms. It was a whole different territory.

Later, at home I tried rue with cannibis at the recommendation of our shamanic guide, who told us that it gave the cannabis effects a pleasant subtle touch. What two of us noticed was that when we took rue we didn't have as much or as many aches and pains or stiffness in our bodies, especially in our lower back. Over time, this effect has been consistant. We wonder if others have noticed this effect?

On another note, I was told once by someone very wise who has a great deal of experience -- that if you take the cannibis and hold it in the palm of your hand and talk to it-- you can ask it to become a different chemical. I have tried this and it works especially if you want to journey in an MDMA way. You actually commune with the m field or soul of the plant.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43955
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2009Views: 12,686
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