Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
I Never Want to Stop
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   Shelli. "I Never Want to Stop: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp44061)". Jan 26, 2020.

  oral Amphetamines (daily)
Ok so one day in fith grade I was told by my moms boyfriend that I might have ADD, because I would daydream in class and never get good grades. I was perscibed Adderll 10mg. I hated it, but everyone else loved the side effect I was more calm, I payed attention in class, and my grades shot up.

A few years go by I'm now a sophomore in high school and I failed two classes my freshman year. So I tell my mom I need Adderall. We end up going to the doctor and he prescribes me 20mg of it and I'm supposed to take two a day. My first time I could not stay still and the weird thing is it took all my energy? So I thought I didn't want to take them again and sold them to some people at school. When I found out I practically gave them away a started taking them again. One time when my mom picked me up from church she told me I had lost a lot of weight. I just thought Cool I needed to.

Anywayz more time passes, more people start to notice my weight dropping very quickly. My Mom says she's going to start monitoring how many pills I take, she never did.

Then comes summer!

She tells me I don't need them because I'm not in school (BULLSHIT!)

They are def. NOT just for Grades and concentration they are for Depression, to calm me down, work etc.

So I get mad after I run out and go through her purse and get my prescription take it to the place to fill it and I got more!

The only bad thing is I'm almost out and I have to pay for them MYSELF if I really want them!

I cant stop and never want to.

Oh at one point before I started I weighed 180lbs. And I was down to 115lbs.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44061
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2020Views: 1,183
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Amphetamines (6) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Performance Enhancement (50), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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