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Mushroom Lite
Citation:   Holy Roller. "Mushroom Lite: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp44208)". Feb 15, 2006.

A friend recently told me of this experience with 4HO MIPT.
I have estimated body weight.

Onset was rapid, and in a dark room within thirty minutes the closed eye visuals were strikingly bright. The peak endured for around ninety minutes and the trip itself lasted for three hours. Sleep did not come easily.

Shimmering, almost intense, non-descript open-eyed patterns suggestive of tryptamines were observed for about an hour but the high never reached a full-blown mushroom experience. There was neither the nausea nor dizziness nor the teeth grinding reported elsewhere by much less heavy persons, and within an hour it was possible to move around and conversation was possible, albeit distracting. Mushroom-like, mushroom-lite, without the body load of mushrooms, this substance provided a pleasant evening and suggests that it be considered for use in group settings or with a partner. Perhaps it was the dose level that accounted for the vaguely emotional constraint/sedation which was experienced as if there were a hint of thorazine.

Thoughts of politics and finances which had preoccupied my friend prior to the experience repeatedly intruded much to his annoyance. A Jungian might observe that thinking functions prevailed over feeling functions, which again may have been due to the dosage/body weight issue.

At this dose 4HO MIPT was every bit as good as a mulled wine on a chilly evening. Per the Shulgin scale, level two. There was a persistent afterglow for several hours the day after the experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44208
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2006Views: 15,618
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : Alone (16), General (1)

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