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Pleasant Buzz
Citation:   dreamer. "Pleasant Buzz: An Experience with Calamus (exp44316)". Apr 14, 2020.

10 in oral Calamus (roots)
Mindset: curious and relaxed
Setting: bedroom reading a book
Time of day: evening

T-0 3hrs after eating supper begin consumption. The taste is similar to peppery ginger with faint undertones of anise that gets more pleasent the more I eat. The best way I can describe the bite is it is similar to peppermint. The texture is similar to a spongy woody carrot.
The texture is similar to a spongy woody carrot.

T-0:25 Slight warm fuzzy feeling spreading throughout body.

T-0:40 10 inches of root have been consumed. Slight tightening of stomach which is not unpleasent begins and lasts for next hour.

t-1:25 Munchies kick in

T-1:40 Pleasent mild buzz most prominent in forehead and shoulders. No concentration, reflex, or cordination impairment noticed.

T-2:55 Mild physical symptoms persisting. I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eyes. Smoking ciggarets increases the physical sensations. At this point I went to sleep b/c had to work next day.

Next morning after 7 hrs sleep - Woke up refreshed no hangover night was spent in pleasent dreams. I consider calamus to be a mild and enjoyable herb that while not 'earth shaking' is worth occasional use. After enough experience eating the root the taste becomes has become pleasent enough to be ranked among my favorite natural candys.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44316
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2020Views: 1,483
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Calamus (106) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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