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Peaceful High
Citation:   Weed Head. "Peaceful High: An Experience with Cyclobenzaprine (exp44472)". Jun 27, 2007.

20 mg insufflated Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (ground / crushed)
I got my hands of 4 10mg Cyclobenzaprine pills. I heard that snorting them burned but what the hell I’ll snort anything, so I gave it a shot and it didn’t burn at first, but after I got both of them down holy shit did it ever burn it was like when I have a really bad cold and it doesn’t stop burning.

It felt like that for about 45 mins it was pretty annoying but once it was gone that’s when I really got to enjoy the high I felt very tired. I was at peace. I lay down on the floor and cranked up the music (a nice Mo 'Thug What Love is' was the most amazing song for this Experience) and looked at the white ceiling. I felt so warm and alive like life had a meaning, and I suppose after about half and hour of pondering the mysteries of the universe, I turned the music off made my way to my room and slept for a good 13 hours before waking up with no ill effects.

I felt more energy from the amazing sleep I had. Well, overall it was a very nice experience it was a little bit like pot but not that much.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2007Views: 83,521
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Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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