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Don't Hold Your Breath
bk-MDEA, Methylone & Cannabis
Citation:   nanobrain. "Don't Hold Your Breath: An Experience with bk-MDEA, Methylone & Cannabis (exp44483)". Jul 7, 2005.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral bk-MDEA (capsule)
  T+ 1:40   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 42 mg oral Methylone  
  T+ 3:40 40 mg oral Methylone  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ah yes, one weary, ageing and to be sure, receptor damaged monkey was finally captured, enthralled by the promises of what the Methylone derivative could offer.

T 0:00 Said monkey, weighing 70kg, instructed by the wise words of radiometer from DF, who suggested 160mg may have been a bit much, was administered 150mg of Ethylone on a mostly empty stomach in a capsule. Usual nootropic regimen (piracetam, l-phenylalanine, caffeine, magnesium and a multivite) was taken about 10 hours prior.

Setting - late afternoon, post work, cold winter outside – for Australia anyhow, the monkey considered making a hat out of the rather non-suspecting, but very warm, and longhaired cat. Naturally the cat feels the monkeys intent and runs under the bed. Notion abandoned in favour of cleaning the semi-imaginary house debris, awaiting the Soulmate. Vibe Tribe on the 5.1 sounding a bit fast for the vacuum cleaner but the job is finished in no time.

T 0:20 First alert, a barely perceptible lifting of mood, definite cinnamin-maply burps, stomach acid goes up, quelled with a chewy Quick Ease, umm berry flavor.

T 0:40 If this was Methylone, the monkey would be in peak mode. Alas, the monkey is feeling somewhat agitated, and wondering if the dose was too low. Current music selection turns fairly crappy, some ambient mix that sounds like toilet water ran through a delay with some pads made by somnibulent one-fingered music school dropout.

T 1:00 This must be the peak, but there is noticeably no euphoria and in fact some dysphoria. No clear thinking easy breathing this material, the body feels heavy, punch drunk, jaw tension and some grinding. Heavy cardio push (pulse 140) and at this point the monkey definitely thinks the dose was not too low, although much more - something - is wanted – but certainly not more Ethylone.

T 1:20 Mindstate uneasy, music now Tratosphere - Bizar Bazar, groovier, funkier and does nothing for the mood which is somewhat grim, scattered and off-balance. Some clinical analytical push towards personal issues, but shallow and non-essential – seemed more of a distraction, really.

With time, feeling continually more off kilter, had to climb on a chair to hang a fallen curtain and felt like maintaining coordination took extra effort – unusual for this monkey.

T 1:40 The Soulmate arrives to the monkey’s great joy and immediately sees the tension in the body. Conversation is easy but nothing humoured or inspired, or even deep. Feel awake and stupid, try reading and while the words make sense, forget what the monkey was reading half way down the page. This feels wrong. A couple rips of the cone, some Nimbin outdoor primo sensi, but heavy on the indica side, does little to improve the situation.

So, 42 mg Methylone is taken via oral to see whether this may help the awake, mentally challenged, heavy and really, drunken, feeling.

T 2:20 Whew. Methylone quickly set things straight and a long deep therapeutic massage from the Soulmate - who for some reason likes monkeys - does wonders, for the spirit.

Now, writing has some appeal and flows, the fuzziness of the Ethylone is replace by the familiar Methylone clarity and good spirits, and Lemmy Kilmister is not a sausage smoker after all. There is positive synergy, heart rate is down, breathing normalised, mood up, music enhanced.

T 3:40 Another 40mg Methylone to elevate and maintain what is now a good state. Not yet any desire to smoke DMT, but this may change. The cones are now pulled with ease, the fluffy buds bristling with white and red crystals.

T 4:20 Holy shit, just found out London was bombed as the monkey was peaking on the Ethylone, the bad vibes could have been a perceived disturbance in the human morphogenic field. Shit.

T 5:00 The effects of Methylone now predominate, thankfully, and are tapering to a light euphoria and the typical ephedrone stimulation. Fascinating to watch the reaction from the bombings, like a massive anthill that’s been stepped on.

The stimulation is expected to continue for another 3 hours. If anything changes, the scientist will update.

Conclusion: all said and done, the negatives outweighed the positives on this one, said the monkey who is not keen on hard stimulation of its ageing cardiovascular system without the empathogenic / entactogenic rewards.

The monkey will not repeat, unless Ethylone is used to boost in case the lab is running low on Methylone. Yes, now the monkey knows what “MDMA without the fun” is all about. Which, come to think of it was just what MDEA on its own was like.

While MDEA is synergetic with MDMA, the monkey found the cathinone derivatives to act in a similar fashion.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44483
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2005Views: 18,751
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Methylone (255), bk-MDEA (346) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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