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Multiple Redosing, Mostly Good
2C-P & Salvia divinorum (extract)
Citation:   Psychedelic*Dreamer. "Multiple Redosing, Mostly Good: An Experience with 2C-P & Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp44553)". Erowid.org. Mar 22, 2006. erowid.org/exp/44553

T+ 0:00
16 mg oral 2C-P  
  T+ 2:00 2.5 mg rectal 2C-P  
  T+ 6:00 2.0 mg rectal 2C-P  
  T+ 10:00 4.0 mg rectal 2C-P  
  T+ 12:30 4 smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 14:05 3.0 mg rectal 2C-P (extract)
  T+ 14:05 3600 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 14:05 100 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 17:30 3.0 mg rectal 2C-P  
T+18:00 - Poppy tea, 4 large pods
T+22:00 - Poppy tea, 2 large pods
T+33:00 - Poppy tea, 3 large pods

Gender: Male
Mood:Slightly depressed, bored

Prescribed Medications: Bisoprolol/Hydrochlorothiazide 5-6.25mg for hypertension (a beta blocker and diuretic combo) and Gemfibrozil 600mg for high cholesterol

I woke up and got out of bed at about 8:30 this morning. I had been planning on trying 2c-p at a high dose for the past two or three weeks. I had used 2c-p three times before this at 7mg, 10mg, and 14mg. Those amounts do not include redosing 3 times on the last two trips. 7mg produced only a weak +2, 10mg a strong+2 or a weak+3, and 14mg a medium+3. Those three trips were enjoyable but I wanted it just a little more intense. The only side effect I felt was slight nausea with 14mg. I checked my blood pressure at wal-mart on the 14mg trip and there was little or no effect from the 2c-p. With my past positive experiences I felt that I could increase the dose some without worrying too much. And at 9:45 AM I ate 16mg of 2c-p powder.

9:45 AM T+00:00 - I just swallowed 16mg of 2c-p. I am feeling excited and hoping that this will provide an intense trip. I am feeling a little bit depressed but not as much as usual. I was also really bored because I had nothing to do but that is about to change.

10:30 AM T+00:45 - I am starting to feel it just a little bit. Maybe a +1. There are some slight visual changes, things seem more interesting.

10:45 AM T+01:00 - The visual effects are getting stronger. Colors seem brighter and there is just a slight amount of movement in my peripheral vision. I am experiencing some slight stomach cramps. I am now maybe at a weak +2. My mood is pretty much neutral at this point.

11:20 AM T+01:35 - A weak +3 has been reached. My mood is still about neutral. The visuals have increased a lot, their are patterns on the walls and there are waves moving through them like water. Sound is altered significantly. Music sounds great. There is some slight nausea but it is not bothering me.

11:45 AM T+02:00 - Still getting stronger, medium +3. Visuals getting stronger. Everything is covered in swirling patterns and they are getting more colorful. With eyes closed there are visions of golden palaces and what look like hindu or buddhist gods/goddesses/spirits.

Sound alterations have increased, now I am hearing sounds in the music that are not really there. The nausea is still present. I just plugged another 2.5mg of 2c-p.

11:50 AM T+02:05 - I am getting a feeling through my body, very pleasant. Like rushes of energy. It is almost like an orgasm through the whole body. The visuals are about as intense as what I would get from 25mg of 2c-e.

1:30 PM T+03:45 - I seem to have reached the peak, a strong +3. I have spent the past 80 or 90 minutes outside. Everything was beautiful, the trees and plants were waving around like liquid. The mostly clear blue sky was filled with fractal patterns. The clouds were melting and morphing. Everything was alive with movement.

The sound effects are also strong. Sounds seem distant and it seems like they just swirl around. The drug is creating music, I actually thought that it was my computer playing something but when I looked I saw that the speakers were off. I have a feeling of peace within me and I am completely at ease with myself and everything. At times I feel like I am completely enveloped in love. It has been a while since I have felt this good.

The nausea has been pretty bad at times and I nearly puked once. It is going away now and it has not interfered with the trip. I am going to take a shower now.

1:40 PM T+03:55 - I am in the shower. The water on my body feels very nice. I have put a disco ball in the bathroom and turned out the light so it is putting out lots of spinning colored lights on the walls. It makes the experience a little more interesting and intense. The lights leave huge trails behind them. The sounds of the water are completely alien. Lots of gurgling and bleeping sounds. I am imagining myself in a cave on another planet. With eyes closed I have a vision of a cave with huge stalagmites on the ceiling. The scene is constantly changing. There are flying eyeballs and eyes in the cave walls. With eyes open the drops of water look like pearls on the wall. For a few minutes I get feelings like my body is fused or melted into the bathtub. I can see eyeballs in the shower walls. The nausea in gone now.

3:00 PM T+05:15 - I finished the shower. I am listening to an ozric tentacles cd and laying on my bed. I can feel the music in my body. I feel like I am melting into the bed. I am starting to get a feeling of connection to the universe or maybe a higher dimension. One of pure consciousness. It comes and goes. The visuals are some of the most intense I have seen. The walls are covered in swirling patterns and it looks like slime is running out of the walls. The curtains look almost like octopus tentacles. Transparent birds are flying through the air and disappearing after a few seconds.

3:45 PM T+06:00 - I plugged another 2mg of 2c-p because I do not want it to wear off. I am having a great time. Right now listening to a shpongle cd and laying on my bed. The music seems to melt into me as it swirls around my head. With eyes closed my body almost melts away. I am getting close to melting into a place of pure consciousness. My mind is already connected and partially blended into that place but I just can't get any further than I am right now. I still feel a strong sense of unity with the universe.

7:00 PM T+09:15 - I am feeling pretty depressed. I have had thoughts of death going through my mind, death of people I love and myself. Death of complete strangers. Death of animals. I could not get it off of my mind for a while. I am still tripping really hard and it is not wearing off yet. I went outside a couple of hours ago and sat under a large oak tree in my back yard. It is a place I often go when I trip. I sat there and at times laid down on the ground underneath the tree watching the birds flying by and the leaves and weeds blowing in the wind. For a few minutes I was in awe at the beauty of it. I was almost in tears for a few minutes from it. This is when my thoughts of dying started. It started with thinking about how that tree would die and then went on from there.

7:45 PM T+10:00 - I am feeling better now. I put on a Polyphonic Spree cd and it helped me get my mind off of death and suffering. By the end I was feeling very euphoric, just extremely joyful. I plugged another 4mg of 2c-p to keep the trip going. I had started to feel that it might be wearing off some but this put a stop to that.

9:45 PM T+12:00 - Still strong +3. Still at peak due to redosing.
For the past two hours I have been laying on my bed listening to music and I got online for a few minutes. I tried to play a computer game (Serious Sam - The Second Encounter multiplayer) but it was impossible. The visuals were so strong that It was hard to see what I was doing and my mind was so strongly affected by the drug that I could not play.

11:40 PM T+13:55 - I spent most of the last two hours outside in my back yard. It is dark out and looking at the sky it looked like the aurora borealis. Bands of light waving and swirling in the sky. The stars were moving around and the lights of other peoples houses left huge trails when I moved my head. I could here barking dogs, crickets, and occasionally a passing car. The sounds were very distorted and it was impossible to tell what direction they were coming from or how far away they were. I just laid down in the grass, looking up in the sky and feeling some kind of connection to the earth. At times I had fits of laughter, it was very enjoyable. When looking at some tall weeds they would transform into ancient looking cities. The buildings were constantly changing and morphing into other structures. They looked just like the palaces and castles that I would see with my eyes closed but the color was different.

I then smoked some salvia. I made a salvia cigarette from a bible page using some salvia extract that I had made. After smoking it for a few minutes I started to feel it strongly. I felt like the whole universe was fading away and disappearing. I thought that everything but me was going to just pop out of existence but it never happened. For the next 20-30 minutes everything was much more intense.

I then started vividly experiencing negative memories. This is something that often happens when I trip. The first memories were of how badly I treated my parents from the time I was 15 or 16 up until I was 18 years old. I saw a vision of my mother crying because of something I said. I've apologized to them and treat them nicely now but I still often feel bad about how I treated them back then. I also saw scenes in my head of my parents fighting, my dad hurting my mom. These were from when I was like five or six years old, my dad twisting my mothers arms, making her scream. I was on the bed right beside my mom. He was screaming really loud at her and that had me terrified. Back when I was a little kid it scared me really bad but by the time I was 8 or 9 I was used to it. I then started vividly recalling memories, seeing images and visions in my head about an animal that I killed when I was 12. It was a pigeon that my mom got for a pet. It was winter and the weather was very cold. I would often spray it with a water hose and hit it with sticks. After a couple of weeks of that it died. Seeing/experiencing these memories made me feel sick inside and completely disgusted with myself. I cried for about an hour.

After that was over I realised that I was not wearing my glasses. I thought I had lost them and this created a feeling of pure terror. I felt like I was going to die but then I realised that this was not a life or death situation and calmed down. I found them on the ground after a minute or two. My mood was better now.

11:50 PM T+14:05 - I plugged 3mg of 2c-p and ate 6 neurontin pills and half of a provigil pill. Mood is slightly euphoric, still at strong+3. Visuals are interesting, bleeding eyeballs in the walls, the floor looks like a spinning vortex. Green and yellow slime is pouring down the walls and pools of slime are everywhere.

3:15 AM T+17:30 - I plugged 3mg more of 2c-p and I made some poppy tea. I will drink it when it cools off. I am still tripping hard. I have a feeling of depression and hopelessness and am hoping the opiates will fix that. I am feeling the neurontin, it has kind of clouded my thoughts and made the experience more dreamy.

3:45 AM T+18:00 - Drunk poppy tea made from four large pods.

4:30 AM T+18:45 - My mood has improved some but when I close my eyes I see horrible visions of suffering. One of these was an overhead view of emaciated african children standing in a circle spinning around. Other visions were of explosions and mangled bodies. It did not look quite real though.

I am starting to feel the poppies so that is helping my mood.

7:45 AM T+22:00 - I Drink more poppy tea, made from two pods. I am feeling really good. Nothing too interesting is happening now. Sill at a strong +3 but it is weakening slightly.

10:35 AM T+24:50 - At a medium +3, it is definitely weakening now. I am high on opiates, listening to music. The visuals have not weakened much and I am getting a lot of bleeping and whooshing sounds. I feel a little bit depressed and a little tired but it is all ok.

2:30 PM T+28:45 - I am now at a strong +2 or weak +3. My mood is calm and peaceful. The visuals are still strong. Everything is fluid, it is very beautiful. Lying in bed I feel extremely comfortable.

6:45 PM T+33:00 - I drink more poppy tea made from 3 pods. I am at a medium +2. I am feeling really good but I am getting tired. I should be able to sleep soon but I don't want to right now. Visuals are weakening but they are still strong.

8:30 PM T+34:45 - Weak +2. Still feeling the opiates really strong. The visuals are still pretty intense. I am feeling ok. Listening to music and surfing the web.

10:30 PM T+36:45 - Now at a +1. There are still some visuals, both OEVs and CEVs. Still some patterns on the walls and fractal images with eyes closed. Still feeling the poppies pretty strong. I am feeling relaxed from the poppies and comfortable but I am tired from sleep deprivation.

11:45 PM T+38:00 - Still feeling it a little. Still slight visuals. I am still feeling the poppies. I put on some ambient music and went to sleep.

It took maybe an hour to get to sleep and I slept until 1:30 in the afternoon. I felt fine when I woke up. My mood was good and my body felt good. The only side effect I got from the 2c-p was the nausea. Other than that it seems to be easy on the body, at least for me. I have checked my blood pressure again while on 2c-p and again it did not seem to have an effect. The dose was 8mg rectal that time.

At the time of this trip it had been a little over two weeks since I last tripped so I should not have had much of a tolerance. Before that I was tripping very frequently, 2-3 times a week for a couple of months.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44553
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2006Views: 15,215
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Salvia divinorum (44), 2C-P (305) : Alone (16), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3)

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