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A Subtle Empathogen
Citation:   feign. "A Subtle Empathogen: An Experience with bk-MDEA (exp44573)". Jul 11, 2005.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral bk-MDEA
  T+ 1:20 50 mg oral bk-MDEA
Here are a few notes, as well as after-the-fact commentary on my experience with ethylone last night:

T+0:00 – Ingested 200mg ethylone at about 11:32. This dosage was chosen based on a first-hand report from a trusted source. The person in question ingested a full 260mg and said that were he to try it again, 180-220mg would probably be a good starting point. I'm also rather curious to see how ethylone compares to methylone mg-for-mg, and since 200mg methylone is my preferred dose, it seemed appropriate. I haven’t had anything to eat since about 7:45, when I had a small dinner, and a few glasses of orange juice and Dr. Pepper since then, so my stomach should be relatively empty. I took a 150mg dose of MDMA a week ago.

T+0:20 – I’ve got a very definite increase in energy at this point. I had a little ethylone-flavored burp a few minutes ago as well.

T+1:00 – Hasn’t really seemed to go much past being a stimulant at this point. There are some hints of methylone-esque effects…but nothing really full-on. Every few minutes I’ll feel as though it’s really about to start hitting, and then it won’t. Still occasionally getting burps that taste like ethylone, though.

T+1:05 – The effects are getting a bit stronger now, though it’s still pretty slow-going. Milligram for milligram, this seems definitely less potent than methylone, however, the effects are pretty similar, just quite a bit slower to come on. It’s become more than just simply stimulating at this point, but I keep thinking it’s not QUITE there yet. Perhaps a higher starting dose would fix this, or perhaps the material just doesn’t ever get 'there'.

T+1:20 - Decide to boost the dose by 50mg.

T+1:37 – Markedly stronger now. It’s now become possible to really start to see the individual character of this compound. Doesn’t have nearly the push that methylone does.

T+2:00 – The effects continue to build, although I’m sure that’s probably because of the booster at this point. Still, that little extra *something* is missing. There’s some mild euphoria, good physical sensations, but it lacks the speedy, crystal clear thoughts of methylone. A good analogy would probably be: ethylone : methylone :: methylone : MDMA. It’s certainly more than just a stimulant, but it’s clearly getting farther from being an empathogen.

After another couple of hours, pretty much all of the MDMA/Methylone-like effects of the drug had worn off, leaving me fairly pleasantly stimulated. Up until this point I was pretty pleased with the experience. It seemed like a nice mild version of methylone, something I could pretty comfortably take out in public at a concert or something. Unfortunately, the trailing stimulation is pretty strong and lasts for quite a long time. As of writing this, it's T+13h. I still haven't slept, despite having taken 10mg zolpidem at around T+7h. I'd have to try it more, probably, but I suspect this is one of those compounds that's all about subtlety. 250mg, and probably even 200mg, seems like it's certainly pushing the high-end of the dosage. This is no methylone, folks, so trying to push the dose up high enough to induce an experience comparable to methylone is pretty likely going to leave one disappointed and lying awake all night. I'd try it nearer to 180mg next time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2005Views: 30,967
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bk-MDEA (346) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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