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Gently Uplifting
Sceletium tortuosum & Kratom
Citation:   Ast3r3x. "Gently Uplifting: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum & Kratom (exp44727)". Apr 7, 2006.

T+ 0:00
250 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:00 2.2 g oral Kratom (extract)
  T+ 13:00 250 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I have been looking for legal substances to enjoy so I made myself a sampler pack and got several things from an online vendor. I got the package yesterday morning at work so I wouldn't have to explain to my parents what all this stuff was that I just got.

I decided I'd try some Kanna right there at work because of what I read that it shouldn't effect my ability to work, so I snorted maybe 250mg of Kanna. I had never done it before, so I had difficulty telling the difference between it and any placebo effect. I don't know that I felt happier, but I thought that I felt a little lighter, maybe slightly more jovial.

I finished working the rest of the morning not really thinking about it too much, the effects were pretty weak if anything, but I did notice it felt really good during my lunch break to just chill under the fan...may not have been the Kanna, but it was one amazingly comfortable and I dreaded having to get up to get back to work.

Later that night (12hrs later) I went to a party and decided to eat some of my Kratom. I ripped up the Kratom extract and ate 2.2g of it. After 10 minutes, I decided I'd drink some champagne I brought so I started drinking. Hour or so later I felt nothing from the Kratom, so I was pretty disappointed. Maybe next time I'll just make the tea, perhaps that helps it get into my system quicker. I was hoping it was started to work when I started to get nauseous, but that subsided after like 10 minutes or so.

I went out to my car and grabbed my bag of Kanna to give it another shot because I was under the impression it 'synergized' with alcohol well. I went down in the basement and snorted about another 250mg. The stuff burns going in and doesn't have a pleasant drip, so I invited someone else to do some and laughed as he finished his second line and went running upstairs to get something to drink. This stuff seems to be like insta-sore-throat in a bag. It goes away within a couple minutes, but for me it is annoying.

Again, I'm not sure this did anything that I could feel for sure although I believe I felt that light feeling again. I left and drove a friend home and then went back to my house. I was on the computer for a little then went upstairs to go to bed. Laying in my bed again I felt very comfortable before I went to bed and writing this as of this morning, I slept amazingly.

If Kanna does nothing else then to just give that gentle uplifting feeling and comfort in just chilling somewhere a while later after doing it. I have 3g...well minus what I did and let others do, and will try with higher doses later. I will probably just mix with water and drink because I am not sure I could snort much more than 250mg of this stuff.

I was expecting a little more from this stuff, and so much more from the Kratom, but the Kanna wasn't disappointed if those effects are repeatable.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44727
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2006Views: 35,602
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Kratom (203), Sceletium tortuosum (179) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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