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Visionary Experience
Morning Glory
Citation:   Craig. "Visionary Experience: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp44802)". Nov 1, 2007.

300 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
One would expect that a dosage usually said to cause a medium to strong effect in the average person, of average height, might not do so much for one who is 210 lb and 6' 3'. I have a high metabolism, and before I became a little meaty due to antipsychotics, which by the way I finaly stoped taking, I was 155 lb and could probably eat an entire box of delivery pizza and then burn it off just pacing nervously around the house, as I so often do. In other words, now that I'm off of those antipsychotics, which lowered my metabolism so greatly to cause my weight gain, my metabolism is uneffected and so would facilitate a rapid transit of ingested psychoactives as if I were much thinner.

I aquired the LSA from 300 Pearly Gates morning glory seeds that I performed an extraction on. The substance resulting had these physical characteristics: thick and pastey, yellow-brown, thin oily resin, and easily manipulated with the fingers. The substance was ingested raw after being rolled up into a ball the size of a marble. I have no scales small enough to have weighed the amount, but one can infer this from the quantity of seeds used. I swallowed the LSA paste at about 1 pm. After only several minutes I could feel a few bodily effects, such as movements with arms and legs becoming heavy, sneezing (too much sneezing for it not to have been the LSA), and slight nausea.

After an hour or so my mood began to lift into a very positive one. My energy level rose somewhat, and perceptual anomalies were prevailent. Some of these included: constant flashing in the peripheri of vision, strange and vivid patterns emerging from carpets and in the stitchings of cloth, fluidic colored streams began to be superimposed on walls and ceilings, residual light from things I had just looked away from was intensified and greatly sustained.

At about the two hour mark, I had made my way into my bedroom. I was lying down with my eyes closed. Vivid and ever changing geometric structures ocupied my inner vision with such a preternatural significance adorned to them that to have looked away would have been like taking one's eye's off of the glorious exposition of the meaning of existence as given to you through a direct contact with God. Enormous wheels of the most intracate and complex machinery spun slowly with all of their interconections in active process. On closer look, I took notice that there were no pannels or continuously flat parts as I had supposed, but only what I can describe as thin shafts and wires bent and connected in the most seemingly random and plant-like arrangments. The view of all this activity and emense structural detail within these great wheels was crushing to my mind.

If one can imagine what it would be like to see, in one view, the entire universe and to become aware, in one thought, of all its parts and their activities and the wordless feeling of awe in response, realizing then the meaningless and childlike persuits of our species, being so insignifcant, so incredibly small, all of us so blind and stupid, this is as close to what I had experienced with the wheels as I can manage, apart from somehow taking you to them.

My usual mental backdrop of time deconstructed itself. My thoughts and actions seemed timeless, sustained, 'here and now' which I realized is where eternity resides. The thought of so much activity contained within a single moment had the limits of my consciousness reached and torn down. I felt I had broken through a barrier which then allowed me to see and hold within my mind an inconceivable amount of possible events, their possible causes, and the possible consequences of those, extending ad infinitum as far as my mind's eye could see. I was above it all, observing, in control at one level, but helpless to the self-perpetuating network of causality before me at another. I had control over where I could look, what chain of causal sequence to follow into infinity, and, most intruigingly, what events to treat as real and hold in a new construction of reality, all my own.

The visuals began to loose their intensity and I wasn't as taken by them. I sat up and wrote down what I was able to remember at the time. On my way over to the desk I realized some the physical effects I had probably been missing due to my lying down all this time. My limbs were very heavy, as if trying to move normally while submerged under water. After stubbing my foot numerously on the furniture crammed into my tiny room, I realized that my sensitivity to pain in my extremities was almost non-existent. I also realized, considering how many times I ran into things, that my care to watch where I stepped had to be forced as if learning it anew. There was no daylight comming through the windows anymore. I don't have a clock in my room (it broke), so I can't give you a specific time.

After writing, I stayed at my desk for what I imagine was a very long time. I remember being in some sort of trance, so taken by the many items cluttering my desk. Their function, chemical compositions, possible other uses, and even estimating as to how much ink was left inside each pen according to the amount of times I remembered using them; all were rediculously interesting. The effects dwindled afterward. The flashes continued, though less intense, until I fell asleep.

The next day I saw my therapist, and was able to recount my exerience to her with a suprising amount of clearity and depth. I will definately take LSA again, but because I had such a visionary experience, I will choose to do this in a more spiritual set and setting in the future.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2007Views: 6,230
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Morning Glory (38) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Alone (16)

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