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Close Your Eyes and Kiss Comfort Goodbye
Citation:   Leealexander. "Close Your Eyes and Kiss Comfort Goodbye: An Experience with Atomoxetine (exp44949)". Jan 13, 2007.

160 mg oral Pharms - Atomoxetine (capsule)
First of all I want to give a warning.
The stuff is a new kind of pain and made my nose pour blood.
This is my experience

0.00-took 4 40mg strattera capsules
0.45-Beginning to feel effects. Feels a whole lot like meth
1.00-Noticing wierd brain tingle effects and temperature sensations. Noted pronounced CEVs.
1.30-Beginning to feel very very jittery. Concentration is gone. Mind drifting really far out. Thoughts litterally only half finished.
2.00 Actually noticing chest tension and minor pain. Feels like a kinda sorta heart attack.
2.30 Very tired and weak. Developing a headache.
3.00 Trying to just sleep.
5.00 Finally get past the horrible crash and drift off to a dead sleep.
7.00 Wake up from said dead sleep feeling very groggy. Can't go back to sleep.
7.00+ I felt groggy for the rest of the day and sleep was still disrupted that night.
Conclusion. This is not a fun party amp pill like adderal. This is strictly for those with ad/hd.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2007Views: 51,115
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Pharms - Atomoxetine (316) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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