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My First Dance with Lucy
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   NickAtNight. "My First Dance with Lucy: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp45006)". Nov 2, 2007.

T+ 0:00
160 ug oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 8:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Having worked on and researched LSD and many other hallucinogens for over a year for college in a research setting, I was very, very cautious and hesitant to try it for myself. I have a very good background in exactly how it affects the neurotransmitters of the brain, knew exactly what effects to expect, and was a sitter for 4 friends that had taken it previously. I have experience with just about every opiate and opiod made, weed, amphetamines, salvia (but never experienced visual hallucinations from it), many different benzos, etc, but never an actual hallucinogen before this.

Starting Setting: A beautiful evening out in the midwest in a friend's apartment. Lets call him B.

Companions: Tripping: myself, B, and N. Sitters included J, who would be taking other various pharms but not actually tripping himself, and K, who was B's girlfriend. All of us are really good friends, and I would trust them with my life if it came down to it, and I think they would with me.

Mood: A bit of nervous apprehension. It's one thing to take a drug and just know what it's supposed to do, it's another thing to know exactly what it's doing to you and when. I was in an awesome mood as we had planned this evening for weeks and N had taken off work and traveled 2 hours to visit for the weekend.

8pm: I was given a liquid from J that I was told to swish around and hold in my mouth for 15 minutes that I was told contained about 160ugs LSD, a 'social dose,' I was told. B and N were given the same amount as well. B has never taken a hallucingen before, but N has done acid at 160ug, 500ug, and shrooms many times.

[Erowid Note: Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]

8:30pm: After watching the Animatrix for a while and not feeling it at all, I suggested we took B and K's newly bought puppies for a walk to see campus. We have several beautifully lit foutains that run during the summeron campus that I wanted to see. N remarked his shoulder was hurting from lifting the day before and took a 60mg morphine, after which he said he 'couldn't possibly feel more euphoric than I am right now' and he is one to down 120mg without batting an eye as he is just naturally very tolerant to just about any substance.

8:45pm: On the walk to the fountains, I noticed I could almost 'feel' colors. At one intersection, all of the stoplights were red all down the street, and N remarked that he could also 'feel that there was too much red' and that he didn't particularly like it.

9:00pm: The lighting around the fountain was very indirect and from the ground, almost creating a mystical feeling to it. I was quite euphoric, as if nothing could possibly spoil my mood. We get to the fountain, which to me, along with the most beautiful night we have had in a long time, looked like nothing other than heaven. We all sat on the grass and spoke to each other and to other people that were there just enjoying the evening and watching the fountain. There were people there that had taken shrooms and we compared and spoke about the similarities and differences. B remarked while laying with his puppies around him and holding his girlfriend looking up at the brightly lit foutain 'wow, so this is what heaven feels like.' A guy and girl were playing guitar and singing. They may have sounded horrible but any kind of music sounded amazing to me at this point.

11:30pm: We reluctantly left our new friends and 'heaven.' I went to the bathroom and noticed my pupils were very large. We walked by the bars on the way home to see all the bright lights and music, which was way too much stimulation to take in at one time at least for me as it was my first trip. N wanted to go party, but I was much more set on at least for my first time, staying relatively safe and away from large crowds. Next time maybe. N remarked this dose was much more enjoyable than the 500ug he had done a couple months back. I noticed that I had some muscle cramping in my jaw that persisted throughout the night. It was unbareable, but noticable.

12pm: We get back to the apt and begin watching 'What Dreams May Come.' The movie by itself is pretty trippy and extremely colorful, and I really enjoyed the visual patterns I was seeing in the movie. They were very geometical and logical, and at times almost superimposed over what I was watching. After a moment, I realized I could manipulate them and greatly enjoyed this. Still in extremely high spirits.

3am: N announces he has come prepared with a trunkful of fireworks (last weekend was the 4th of july). We all take turns shooting rockets and HUGE roman candles which of course looked absolutely stunning in our present state.

5am: We are starting to feel like we are all just starting to come down. J, the most experienced, suggest we smoke a LOT of weed at this point to get the most of our last couple hours. Among fun conversation amongst us three trippers, we fire up the bong and literally smoke, or 'mash' as we called it, until we physically could not smoke anymore due to lack of coordination.

6am: After just putting the bong down, I realize I am so inebriated I cannot understand or accomplish very simple tasks, such as putting a DVD in the player. Patterns are going absolutely crazy now, and it literally took me 25 minutes to make a bowl of ramen noodles, and poorly at that (I am a very good cook normally).

8am: The three of us have just been sitting and staring at the walls and different colored lights around the apt. and talking occasionally. I am nowhere near tired, in retrospect I should have expected the energy boost I got as J did warn us it would be a full 12 hour trip-sleep would be nearly impossible without taking a benzo like xanax or a hypnotic like ambien or sonata, all of which we had on hand just in case. I decided to walk home, a block or so, and try to get to sleep and enjoy the last of the trip by myself. I go home, smoke a little more, and finally sleep just about 8 hours straight which is a long time for an insomniac like me.

The next day was spent recovering, as we were up all night and the trip took a good amount out of us. We were all in high spirits, perhaps it was an afterglow, but mentally drained as one can get after studying for a long time straight. Overall it was a mystical, wonderful, eye-opening experience that I will never forget. I was *very* happy I waited until I was truly ready to accept what 'Lucy' had to offer.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45006
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 2, 2007Views: 8,890
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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