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Low Grade Buzz
Citation:   I <3 420. "Low Grade Buzz: An Experience with Catnip (exp45135)". Jun 25, 2018.

6 bowls smoked Catnip
Mild Marijuana Experience

OK so I found some catnip. Read online it gives a Mild Marijuana like high. Thought I would try it. Loaded a home made bong made out of a 1.5 liter water bottle and one of those expensive pens casings for the stem. I have recently smoked Marijuana out of it. Well anyways I smoked about 6 bowls and it had an immediate effect. It felt like a Marijuana buzz but very low grade. It had a bad taste but not too harsh. The contrast of colors changed as my 'high' went up and then down. It isn't really a good buzz, just ok. The only thing I found bad about smoking Catnip, is that afterward the area around my ribs hurts. It resins up really easy so If I were to smoke pot too I could make 2 highs at once. Im not going to try it again because its not really that interesting, just a waste of time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2018Views: 1,076
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