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One Bad Week
Citation:   Savage Jones. "One Bad Week: An Experience with MDMA (exp45271)". Jan 30, 2022.

2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
I went out clubbing one thursday night and was leaving as a friend of mine called me. He wanted me to go roll with him at his place, so I called another friend and we all did. We started off with 2 tabs (white with two little cherries on them) and it came on fast. We soon took 2 more...started to come down, took two more...then dumped some crushed up MDMA in our mouths. So about 7 pills in all. Way too much as I later learned.

I started coming down finally at 10am friday morning. I was laying down then got up and got really light headed, everything turned blue, then the floor lit up and glowed a neon color. I staggered to the bathroom crying trying to figure out where I was. My friend came in, feeling fine and sat with me for a few hours as I experience panic attacks, distorted vision, and awful feelings. I saw a coat on the door thinking it was a little girl nailed to the wall, I saw coat hangers and thought they were shrivled hands waving at me. Later I thought part of the carpet was a giant dead bug, freaking me out more. I stood up and leaned against the wall, which made me feel like the wall was swaying and moving.

I finally left the house at 8 PM feeling drained, emotional, and slightly crazy. Since then I have gotten better, its been about 2 days, but I still hear music that isnt there, very angry music. My eyes will lose focus and jump around on their own as my hearing goes out. It feels like I am plunged under water and helpless, then its gone. It's all very scary, but it's nice to know (after reading some things) that other people feel this crash and its not just me being screwed up in the brain now. I just want it to stop now. I can say this is enough for me not to want to do X ever again.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2022Views: 655
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