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Anadenanthera colubrina
Citation:   Windchild. "Retry: An Experience with Anadenanthera colubrina (exp45287)". Dec 5, 2006.

5 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera colubrina (ground / crushed)
After a rather disappointing non-trip with insuffulated ground columbrina seeds I decided to give this substance and route another try, this time with better preparation.

5 seeds of anandenanthera c. were microwave-popped, and crushed in my new-bought mortar (tadaaa! - did I mention that? get a mortar if you plan on doing such preparations), together with some limestone and baking soda (after learning that limestone is nothing more than chalk [CaCO3], I got slight doubts about its solubility - might be that actually caustic potash [CaCO - quite dangerous stuff!] is to be used - these things often get confused in translations - so I added some baking soda to have at least *some* base. End product was nearly a teaspoon of grayish-brownish powder (about as fine as flour) with some dark speckles of seed shells which I just wasnt able to grind down.

The insuffulation was uncomplicated this time, no pain to speak of, and not as nasty a taste (just grind this stuff FINE, then it's ok).

The effects were milder than the last time, though the peak was far more noticeable (quicker insuffulation). I learned that maybe my limestone was none, though, so that might be explained by less base (baking soda).

The effects basically were: noticeable intoxication, slight motor effects, some visuals, general mood elevation.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45287
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2006Views: 12,341
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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